1. I am not German, but being from a neighbouring country (Netherlands) and following German news reports, I can attest it is a theater or pilgimage. The debate about nuclear energy is extremely ideologically and emotionally driven, bordering on religious fanaticism on part of the Green Party in Germany. The majority of Germans is against nuclear power, but I think this is due to the decades long propaganda by the Greens and other leftist organisations. Having a debate with rational arguments for and against nuclear power has become impossible in Germany. Mixed into this debate is the role of the (distrusted) four major German energy producers (EON, RWE, etc.) and the pro-renewables lobby by solar/wind energy firms.
    The level of protest against nuclear energy in Germany is in stark contrast to surrounding countries such as France, the Czech Republic and Sweden, which are more pro-nuclear. Maybe there is something in the German water, that makes the debate about nuclear energy so extremely heated.

  2. Methinks that someone needs to whisper the words “Morgenthau Plan” in a few German ears, to reminds them of the consequences of energy starvation.
    Oh, and I wonder if some Germans think becoming dependent on Russian gas is a morally good thing — atonement for Barbarossa perhaps?

  3. Hi Rod, Just wondering from your post if your house is an all electric house with 1500kwh per month consumption?

  4. Could someone please explain to me (perhaps your German reader) why this shipment’s date and route are prepublicized and predictible?
    Send it when they don’t expect it and by an alternate route. Duh?
    So what if everybody misses their party.

  5. The protests are incredibly organized. Several anti-nuclear groups have have speculated over train routes and dates for months, they’re watching activities at La Hague, at Areva’s railyard, have inside information from the police and so on. A rock concert “against nuclear power” has been organized for the event. Protests are supported by some farmers (many of whom profit from the solar subsidies) who use their tractors to block police movement, churches (going with the flow), unions (who support coal), virtually all environmentalist/anarchist organizations, all left/green political parties, green energy companies, and according to polls done by anti-nuclear groups even the majority of voters for Merkel’s party show solidarity with the protests.
    Nearly no protests happened within France, then as soon as the train crossed the border, some had chained themselves to the tracks, causing the first delay. Lateron, they had blocked a rail bridge, encircled police and prevented other police from reaching the train. Like a civil war.
    The fearmongering about the transport is second to none. One article claimed that a waste container could be attacked by terrorists with missiles and the waste spread over a radius of 3 miles, making it uninhabitable for 100 years. Anotherone says a single “meltdown” could cost 5.5 trillion Euros and wipe out the country’s entire economy, older containment buildings are claimed to be thing like egg shells and a plane crash on them is supposedly enough to cause a meltdown.
    Meanwhile the question “why” this campaign against nuclear is so important to them remains unanswered.

  6. Rod Adams wrote:
    The only conclusion that a scientist, an engineer, or a reasonably well-informed journalist could reach is that even if you put these particular nuclear waste containers in a room full of natural gas with the optimum mix of gas and oxygen for burning, the mixture would not ignite without some kind of additional ignition source. The conditions are not even close to a danger point; the max actual temperature is 200 degrees F versus a required 842 degrees F.
    Yeah, but that is science, and it’s just too hard. It is much more important to “feel”. If I “feel” it is dangerous, then it is, because perception is reality. In addition, I can “feel” that I don’t need power from nuclear power plants. That makes everything good (even if the power then comes from coal-fired power plants).

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