Huffington Post – The Truth About Nuclear Energy
My Google Alert for “new nuclear plants” pointed out an article with an interesting title yesterday morning – The Truth About Nuclear Energy. The title plus the teaser excerpt from the article made me grin – I was pretty sure I knew who the author of the comment was before clicking on the link in my Google Alert email.
I was right – Gwyneth Cravens, author of the recently released book titled Power to Save the World: The Truth about Nuclear Energy (reviewed by Atomic Insights under the title of I now have “Power to Save the World” and you should too) is now blogging for The Huffington Post.
Way to go, Gwyneth. I expect that gaining visibility on that popular site will increase the visibility of her message – the fact that the world has a lot to learn about nuclear power. As Gwyneth and many readers of Atomic Insights will attest, the more you know and understand about the technology, the more you will see it as a potentially world saving contribution.
Go read the Huffington Post comment and leave a message for Gwyneth to encourage her to write some more.