ANS/ENS Winter Meeting 2007 – Making the Renaissance Real
I am making preparations to cover the American Nuclear Society (ANS)/ European Nuclear Society (ENS) 2007 Winter meeting and the associated Young Professional’s Congress.
The Young Professional’s Congress is a joint effort between North American Young Generation in Nuclear (NA-YGN) and the American Nuclear Society’s Young Member Group.
The meetings are taking place in Washington during the period from 10-16 November at the Omni Shoreham Hotel. One thing you can say about ANS Meetings is that they are never held in low cost areas or in cheap hotels. I will be commuting each day from Annapolis. I am not poor, just cheap. I will also only be there Saturday – Monday (10-13 Nov) due to other commitments.
I hope that any Atomic Insights readers that might be there will try to find me and say hello. I will be the guy with the iPod nano recording sessions and looking for interesting comments from people on the meeting topic “Making the Renaissance Real”. I will also be jotting notes and perhaps even posting a few blog entries via my MacBook Pro if I can find a time and place where the WiFi will support the effort.
As any of you who attend engineering oriented conferences know, “free” WiFi is often unavailable or unusable WiFi when there are hundreds of geeks with laptops in attendance.