Chris Wright on nuclear power, Nov 6, 2020 1

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  1. “He was the CEO of Liberty Energy, North America’s second largest hydraulic fracturing company…”

    Sounds like a reasonable pick for Secretary of Energy in a Republican administration, yet literally the fossil bogeyman of nukebro lore (i.e. one of ‘THEY’ in the conspiracy).

    “and served on the boards of Oklo Inc..”

    ‘Climate Science’ is often cited in Oklo videos and press releases. I’m curious when Chirs Wright took that position on their board. Was it after the IPO? If so, bravo to Oklo for reading the political winds.

    Altman’s Oklo stock has more than doubled since xmas – it’s at $50/ea today. I wonder about the exit strategy. How do they unwind this?

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  1. “He was the CEO of Liberty Energy, North America’s second largest hydraulic fracturing company…” Sounds like a reasonable pick for…

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