Can Modern Charcoal Help Solve Human Created CO2 Problem?
Human activity has created a carbon dioxide problem. Dr. Frank Shu and his team have a partial solution called “supertorrefaction” that is worth sharing.
Problem Solving Versus Panicking
When faced with problems, rather than panic or fret, people with an engineering mindset prefer finding solutions using the best available tools. The more creative members of that admirable tribe create new tools by combining existing materials and techniques in unique ways.
The position this blog takes on carbon dioxide is that humans, pursuing their natural desire to improve their own lives and the areas where they and their loved ones live and work, have altered the natural carbon cycle.
Our use of hydrocarbon fuels and our choices for land use — including urbanization, forestry and agriculture — have turned what would be a gentle sine wave with annual fluctuation about a nearly horizontal line into a gentle sine wave with annual fluctuations about a line with an increasing slope as shown below. That doesn’t mean that using hydrocarbons or altering the landscape is bad or deserves demonization, it just means that there are consequences associated with our actions.
That graph offers both reason for concern and reason to be optimistic about finding solutions. Though many of the people who are motivated to press for aggressive actions portray the rise in global CO2 concentrations as steady and hard to reverse, the graph shows that nature lowers CO2 concentrations at a pretty rapid pace every year before reversing course and allowing them to rise by a slightly larger amount.
Nature achieves that rapid annual CO2 reduction with the help of an uncountable number of small transactions where atmospheric CO2 is absorbed by rocks or converted into biological material.

With the help of creative human effort, some of those natural transactions can be altered or accelerated to achieve a better carbon cycle balance.
Small Scale Sequestration
Many schemes proposed for carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) operate on a massive scale. The visions are so big that testing them involves multi-billion dollar investments and project timelines that run into decades. As a result, there are only a tiny number of demonstrations and none of them provide a full system proof that CO2 can ever be economically separated, captured and permanently stored underground.
Frank Shu is a world-renowned astrophysicist who recently turned his attention to the tightly linked challenge of producing plenty of energy for human society while also actively reducing — and eventually controlling — atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Dr. Shu is convinced that if humans can destabilize the climate by dumping CO2 into the atmosphere, we can also find and use ways to reverse the instability we’ve added by actively removing CO2 from the atmosphere.
Shu knows that a large portion of human-produced CO2 comes out of hundreds of millions, if not billions, of small combustion units. The overall rate of production is massive. He has determined that removal might be most effective if the necessary systems can be almost equally well-distributed, with massive numbers of small-scale operations.
Shu’s invention is a patented process that he calls “supertorrefaction.” It is a substantial improvement on a long established process known as torrefaction, which is a method of creating a carbon-rich material — often called char — by heating biomass to a temperature in the range of 200 ℃ to 280 ℃ in the absence of oxygen. The traditional torrefaction processes burn some of the biomass to create the heat. They use the resulting combustion gasses as the heat transfer medium. It can take several days to complete the conversion of biomass into char.
Note: You probably recognize that torrefaction is a technical-sounding name for the ancient process of producing charcoal.
Shu’s improvements to torrefaction involve using higher temperatures and molten salts as the heat transfer fluid. (Dr. Shu agreed to share a more complete technical explanation for those who love details.)
Supertorrefaction (STR) submerges wood chips or other forms of shredded biomass into a bath of molten salts — NaOAc/KOAc for example — that is held at an average temperature of 450 ℃.
Direct contact in a fluid that has a volumetric heat transfer capacity that is about 2000 times that of combustion gasses at a substantially higher temperature turns the several-day-process of torrefaction into a 10 minute per batch process. Using multiple chemical reactors each with porous baskets to hold the biomass and a conveyor system, the STR process can be turned into a continuous process with a steady throughput.
Shu established a company called Astron Solutions Corporation (ASC) and has worked with a team of researchers from the University of California and Academia Sinica (Taiwan) to test and create pilot-scale equipment demonstrating the process. The machinery is designed to be transportable by truck to places where there are abundant resources of biomass that is not useful for other purposes.
One of the biggest disadvantages of biomass as a fuel source is that it is not very energy dense because it contains water and a number of non-combustible components. That makes it bulky and difficult to transport; it is cheaper to move the STR machinery to the source of material than to gather the material and move it to a much larger, centralized processing facility.
In his ultimate clean energy vision (pg 19-23) the heat required to melt the salt and maintain it at operating temperature will be provided by molten salt reactors, either an advanced, two fluid breeder or a simplified burner like those being developed by Terrestrial Energy and ThorCon.
The carbon-rich char can be used for soil improvement, raw material for graphite production or even carbon for carbon fiber materials like those used in fuel-efficient aircraft and tennis rackets. The carbon content of the material would be sequestered as a solid in processes that are an acceleration of the natural production of carbon reservoirs.
Shu and his team recognize that major technological developments do not reach their ultimate implementation in a huge leap, but by taking planned, intermediate steps that move in the right direction. Those intermediate steps are generally chosen to prove important aspects of the eventual implementation, but they can best be funded and achieved if they also provide immediate value by solving an existing problem even without the availability of all of the ultimate system components.
It will be several years before there are any available molten salt reactors heat sources, but there is available biomass that needs near-term disposal. Shu’s team has been experimenting and refining their process equipment using Leucaena as a raw material source. Leucaena is a woody, nitrogen-fixing bush that is native to Mexico, but is an invasive species that has overrun areas of southeast Asia in a manner similar to the way that kudzu has smothered parts of the US Southeast.
Shu and his team have also developed proposals to use their STR machinery to address the high fire hazard areas where pine forests have been decimated by bark beetle infestations. The dead trees are unusable for lumber, but if not addressed they make exceptional wild fire fuel. The State of California has an immediate need for solutions and issued a Grant Funding Opportunity (GFO-13-325). ASC has responded with a description of how their system would mitigate the problem.
In early implementations of the STR process — and perhaps in many remote areas even after the process is mature — the biochar will be pulverized and oxidized as a fuel along with the produced syngas. The released heat will maintain the salt temperature, but since the heat content in the biomass is more than sufficient to keep the salt hot, excess heat is available.
Using cooling tubes, the excess heat in the chemical reactor will be removed and used to produce community-scale electricity, possibly using a supercritical CO2 turbine to drive a generator. The sCO2 development has momentum because it has potential application as a compact, highly efficient heat engine for solar thermal, advanced fossil fuel, nuclear fission and biomass.
This level of implementation is not the place where Shu wants to stop because it doesn’t achieve the long-term removal of atmospheric CO2 that he believes is needed in the near future. However, it will allow his engineers and operators to scale their machinery, their control systems and their material handling concepts.
At the right cost, STR systems can be widely deployed, giving people a tool that will use accelerated natural processes to turn plant matter — wood, crop waste, hay, invasive species — into a permanent store of useful carbon that is kept out of the atmosphere.
A version of the above was first published on under the headline of Slowing Climate Change By Producing Modern Charcoal. It is reposted here with permission.
I really don’t think people realize the extent of the bark beetle problem, and the huge volume of timber that is being removed as a result. And, even in removing the dead timber, in my area the dying timber is outpacing the removal. All over Tehachapi, in people’s yards and fields there are massive piles of removed timber, in log lengths, because the amount of removed timber is so extensive that it is simply being given away as firewood. Just say the word, and a logging truck will show up and deposit its load wherever you point your finger. The irony is that rather providing fuel for the solution to our climate problem, as Dr. Shu’s process offers, this “harvested resource” is contributing to the problem, through being harvested by diesel machinery (and transported with the same), rendered with small gasoline combustion engines, and burnt in low efficiency fireplaces and wood burning stoves.
With any foresight and a bit of good fortune, the bark beetle wood will be used to validate and refine the supertorrefaction procss. Of course, that particular source of plant matter isn’t going to do anything measurable to reduce CO2 concentration; that will need tens of thousands of distributed efforts that turn a wide variety of plant matter into a relatively permanent carbon sink. Those efforts will have to continue until a better balance is achieved.
Well…..if you ever see the retirement of a walnut, citrus, or almond grove, you can’t help but be astounded by the sheer volume of raw combustable material. And whats more, it is truly remarkable how quickly modern farming can plant a new grove with seedlings, and nurture that grove into production. The San Joaquin valley, huge, is a bonanza of raw combustable material produced as a result of the agriculture industry. It also suffers air pollution of a degree thats hard to imagine unless you look down upon it from cleaner air, as I do living in Tehachapi. When you are in that pollution, it is not near as evident. To those that don’t think we are having a negative effect on our climate, they should see what I see when I make my commute down into that cloud of dark brown poison. And if we give the deniers the benefit of the doubt, and concede that it has no effect on our climate, will they then deny the effect it has on our children’s lungs? Are not either scenarios reason enough to concern ourselves and race for solutions? Personally, though, I do not consider the corporate CEOs, media mouthpieces, and politicians to be “climate change deniers”. I consider them “climate change liars”. The scientific evidence is in. Irrefutably, if we are to trust in the expertise and knowledge possessed by those such as Dr. Shu. So, to deny, in my opinion, is a disingenuous strategy designed to pursue or advance a commercial agenda.
Apparently, there’s lots of the dead trees caused by the Pine Beetle and more are on the way. That is per this National Geographic article. It also claims the problem was exacerbated by climate change.
Tens of millions of acres have been destroyed. There is a lot of Pine East of the Misssissippi too. This seems worse than the Dutch Elm disease that nearly decimated the American Elm or the old Chestnut blight.
poa and Rod Dying or dead trees are a worldwide problem. A 2012 study published in Nature claimed that 70% of the trees of the world are on the verge of death because of drought. Rains that do not fall in some parts of the world must fall in other parts. In areas receiving enhanced precipitation, such as Southeast Asia, typhoons and flooding bring down trees by the tens of thousands per county per event. This timber clogs the waterways, which serve as collection points for the process. Using the biomass to generate electricity is an obvious economic strategy to address the ensuing hazards. Unfortunately, “green” groups argue against the practice on the ad hoc grounds that dead-tree removal harms the environment. A recently completed 38-year study by the US forestry service in Montana refutes such claims, showing that best culling practices have no long-term effects discernible from leaving the dead trees in place to decay, or worse, to go up in flames in wildfires.
An even better environmental practice is to turn dead trees into biochar for use as a soil amendment. Here, too, “green” groups have claimed that more harm may be done than good, but a recently completed study by a group in Austria shows that, done wisely, the application of biochar to tropical and temperate soils can improve crop yields by an average of 75%. Thus, “waste” biomass can actually give negative carbon emissions, in the form of increased biomass both below and above ground.
Thus, if we discount the ideological argument that carbon-negative strategies would detract from the large-scale deployment of carbon-neutral technologies like solar and wind, the only rational reason for farmers not to use biochar (after appropriate testing for long-term effiicacy) is the high cost of biochar production by traditional techniques. By immersing waste biomass under molten salts at 450 Celsius, the process of supertorrefaction can produce high-quality biochar in 1 minute without the emission of noxious gases or particulates (soot or fly ash). Equipment that can process from 20,000 to 660,000 tonne of biomass per year, with a yield of 30% or more of biochar, are transportable by truck to the areas of dead trees, rather than having to truck the biomass from remote forests to fixed processing sites. If other clean forms of energy could completely displace fossil fuels by 2050 without atmospheric CO2 exceeding 450 ppm, 60,000 of the larger STR machines could bring the CO2 concentration down to 350 ppm before the end of the century in 2100. For comparison, the world has about 20,000 jet airplanes operational at any time.
This is actually not true. Torrefied biomass only loses about 30% of its dry weight; charcoal loses more like 50%. The value of torrefied biomass is that it is (a) friable, so it can be crushed/shredded at a low cost in energy, (b) it retains more of its chemical energy than char (about 90%), (c) it loses most of its ability to absorb water, and (d) it retains enough of its hydrogen that it can be fast-pyrolized to a form of bio-oil, but with much lower moisture content than that made from unaltered lignocellulose (reduction to fine granules or powder makes fast pyrolysis much easier).
Supertorrefaction appears to be indistinguishable from charring. Torrefaction is more like toasting, and is done at temperatures of 275°C and lower.
If Dr. Shu’s process does yield clean syngas as he says it does (it may still require some cleanup), it may be feasible to feed it to a small methanol synthesis plant; unlike Fischer-Tropsch, MeOH plants appear to be simple packages sold commercially. On-site production of methanol for motor fuel eliminates the fossil fuel inputs to the process. It also eliminates any long-lasting effects from fuel spills, as it is water soluble and biodegrades quickly. Excess methanol has a myriad of uses, including as a feedstock for synthetic gasoline.
Displacing fossil fuel is better than leaving it to rot.
poa, Rod, and Eino, Dying or dead trees are a worldwide problem. A 2012 study published in Nature claimed that 70% of the trees of the world are on the verge of death because of drought. Rains that do not fall in some parts of the world must fall in other parts. In areas receiving enhanced precipitation, such as Southeast Asia, typhoons and flooding bring down trees by the tens of thousands per county per event. This timber clogs the waterways, which serve as collection points for the process. Using the biomass to generate electricity is an obvious economic strategy to address the ensuing hazards. Unfortunately, “green” groups argue against the practice on the ad hoc grounds that dead-tree removal harms the environment. A recently completed 38-year study by the US forestry service in Montana refutes such claims, showing that best culling practices have no long-term effects discernible from leaving the dead trees in place to decay, or worse, to go up in flames in wildfires.
An even better environmental practice is to turn dead trees into biochar for use as a soil amendment. Here, too, “green” groups have claimed that more harm may be done than good, but a recently completed study by a group in Austria shows that, done wisely, the application of biochar to tropical and temperate soils can improve crop yields by an average of 75%. Thus, “waste” biomass can actually give negative carbon emissions, in the form of increased biomass both below and above ground.
Thus, if we discount the ideological argument that carbon-negative strategies would detract from the large-scale deployment of carbon-neutral technologies like solar and wind, the only rational reason for farmers not to use biochar (after appropriate testing for long-term efficacy) is the high cost of biochar production by traditional techniques. By immersing waste biomass under molten salts at 450 Celsius, the process of supertorrefaction can produce high-quality biochar in 1 minute without the emission of noxious gases or particulates (soot or fly ash). Equipment that can process from 20,000 to 660,000 tonne of biomass per year, with a yield of 30% or more of biochar, are transportable by truck to the areas of dead trees, rather than having to truck the biomass from remote forests to fixed processing sites. If other clean forms of energy could completely displace fossil fuels by 2050 without atmospheric CO2 exceeding 450 ppm, 60,000 of the larger STR machines could bring the CO2 concentration down to 350 ppm before the end of the century in 2100. For comparison with the scale of needed industry, the world has about 20,000 jet airplanes operational at any time.
If that’s true, it spells massive trouble ahead; once dead, drought conditions mean the forests cannot regrow. But sequestering as much of their carbon as possible will help.
Do you have any published papers on your process that interested laymen can read?
Engineering Poet, the reference to wordlwide near-mortaility of trees is
Choat et al., Global convergence in the vulnerability of forests to drought,
Nature 491, 752–755 (29 November 2012) doi:10.1038/nature11688
If you click on the link “complete technical discussion” highiighted in blue in the sixth paragraph of Rod’s article, you will find a position paper from Astron Solutions Corporation giving more details of the supertorrefaction technology.
Ah, missed that the first time. Thank you.
A few observations and thoughts:
1. Without detectable tar, the syngas should be suitable for methanol synthesis. .5 wt% CO2 plus 7.4 wt% CO would produce 8.8 wt% MeOH at 100% yield. The methane should be unreactive and the excess hydrogen should drive the reaction to near-completion. The non-condensible fraction of the tail gases would fuel the process. If a suitable oxidation catalyst to turn CH4 into MeOH can be added to the system, the MeOH yield would almost double. This would leave mostly hydrogen as the non-condensible tail gas.
Synthesis of ethylene is another possibility. I understand that there are highly specific catalysts for it, it is easily handled as a pressurized liquid, and it can be hydrated to ethanol cheaply. Robert Zubrin was working on such chemistry with the aim of producing rocket fuels on Mars.
2. Processing material at the worksite conflicts with production of electricity at the site; forests are often a substantial distance from suitable grid nodes. The obvious solution is to separate the two parts of the process into a carbonization plant and a generation plant. Excess heat from CFO at the carbonization plant can be avoided by filtering fines out of the salt and shipping the filtrate out along with the unwashed charcoal product. At the generation plant, the filtrate salt is regenerated in a CFO-based preheater for a gas turbine generator, with the final heating performed by combustion of washed charcoal. Waste heat from the generator recovers salt from the washing water and the clean salt is taken back to the carbonization plant.
3. Methanol and ethylene are potential motor fuels, as is compressed methane. Hythane (20% H2, 80% CH4 by volume) is an attractive possibility to run the vehicles and process equipment; it has better flame speed than methane and works better in spark-ignition engines.
Just my musings, hope they’re more helpful than not.
I’m not convinced. The sheer volume of labor needed to collect these dead trees, not to mention transportation, seems to defeat the purpose in the first place. But, more importantly, dead trees should *not* be harvested. They should be allowed to decay and provide carbon and fertilizer and mulch for the next generation of trees. What we have found in India with the advent of wood chip plants is that people *cut down* trees and get paid to feed them to the furnace of the plant. I think the whole idea of bio-char created this way gives me the willies in terms of the eventual consequences of such a program, even with the use of MSRs providing the energy for such a project.
Is NaOAc Sodium Acetate & KOAc Potassium Acetate?
Slide 10 of the pdf implied a cyclic reaction that uses & regenerates the acetate ion from the biomass.
Jim Baerg, Yes NaOAc = sodium acetate and KOAc = potassium acetate, which are mild salts used to flavor “salt and vinegar” potato chips. Because biomass releases acetic acid, it is indeed possible to run a cyclic reaction cycle that regenerates the acetate ion from the biomass, resulting in the net production of acetone. The dimerization and trimerization of acetone yield mesitylene and isopentane, which are the end members of Swift Fuels’ approach to replacement transportation fuels for internal combustion engines. The disadvantage to molten KOAc/NOAc being the STR salt is that the heat for it must be supplied externally, and not by internal oxidants, which would attack the acetate anions. Because of this disadvantage, for the prototype industrial application, we have adopted more robust and corrosive salts, that can perform not only supertorrefaction, but also the oxidation of charcoal fines and tars. A collateral benefit of higher operating temperatures with more reactive salts is that the time needed for biochar making decreases from 10 min to 1 min.
David Walters, Nobody advocates chopping down healthy trees to make biochar. Trees that have been killed en masse by pests or by natural catastrophes are a different matter. If they are made into biochar (which automatically destroys the pests and their larvae or spores), blended with compost or fertilizer, and put back into the ground, their capabilities for water retention and toxin removal help to restore soil health and improve the chances of survival of the remaining trees. Given the benefits documented in my response to poa, Rod, and Eino, why would you be opposed to such negative-carbon usage as opposed to letting the downed trees rot?
“But, more importantly, dead trees should *not* be harvested. They should be allowed to decay and provide carbon and fertilizer and mulch for the next generation of trees.”
Your comment illustrates that you have no idea of the scale of the problem in some environs, or the great danger these trees pose as fuel for wildfires in areas that are fairly heavily inhabited. In many of the areas razed by the bark beetle, forest regeneration is seriously hampered by drought conditions, and even were these trees allowed to decompose naturally on the forest floor, regeneration would not occur without man’s intervention in the process through planting, fertilization, and watering. Frankly, just from the standpoint of fire danger, your proposed option is untenable.
“A 2012 study published in Nature claimed that 70% of the trees of the world are on the verge of death because of drought.”
That’s kind of a misleading paraphrase of the Nature paper you cited. What the abstract says is:
“We show that 70% of 226 forest species from 81 sites worldwide operate with narrow (<1 megapascal) hydraulic safety margins against injurious levels of drought stress and therefore potentially face long-term reductions in productivity and survival if temperature and aridity increase as predicted for many regions across the globe."
So, 70 percent of forest species (not the same as 70 percent of trees) have hydraulic safety margins narrow enough that, if droughts increase in their environs because of global warming, they might suffer some unspecified degree of reduced growth or death.
That's a far cry from a claim that 70 percent of trees are on the verge of death because of drought.
I live in Colorado, and we resemble that remark. Yet the “let ’em rot” option is precisely the one we’ve selected. Utterly bonkers. Counter-intuitively, rotting wood eventually releases about the same amount of CO2 as letting it go up in smoke. Just takes longer.
I did a bit of digging and found a paper on a quaternary eutectic salt using only metallic chlorides, so no issues with oxidation. MP is a bit high (385°C) for the low-temperature process, but if the syngas is the revenue product you want more of it anyway.
Engineer-Poet, Thanks for the suggestions. As its name suggests, syngas is the starting point of many possible synthesis chemistry paths. The company Astron Solutions Corporation is founded mainly to provide STR equipment, maintenance & repair; worker training; salt assay, balance., & change Different customers for the equipment and service will want to tune the use of the products to their local needs and capabilities.
Will Boisvert, Paraphrasing is always a delicate art; somebody will find fault no matter how one does it (including your paraphrasing). That’s why scientists supply full references, as I did when asked.
Engineer-Poet, Thanks for the suggestion, but we have looked at more promising chloride-salt combinations, with lower melting points. We keep a notebook for experiments on many salt combinations. They all have their advantages and disadvantages, and different ones are suitable for different applications, usually requiring different containment alloys.
That sounds like a valuable notebook with substantial IP. Hope you and your team are providing adequate protection and backup. 🙂
What I wouldn’t give for a look at that notebook…. Ze-Gen was using molten copper as their heat-transfer medium, but their site seems to be gone and the news on them indicates trouble.
I live in country that is heavily used for fruit farming, as well as crops of corn, soybeans and sunflowers. There is a LOT of waste biomass thrown around here, including sunflower seed hulls, cherry pits and entire orchards bulldozed out at the end of their productive lives, not to mention all the wood removed in spring pruning. This is in addition to the usual flow of stuff from storm-damaged, overgrown or pest-killed trees.
Being able to turn this waste into salable products would be tremendous. Being able to turn it into products with “green” cachet… good for profits.
I stand corrected.
I realize Rod is no fan of “TRUTH-OUT”. But here is an article about the loss of trees world wide. Although the author cites no studies, if her figures are correct, or even sensationalized to a degree, there is no denying that there is a serious problem, particularly in the western United States.
But it sure would be good to find a source that cites reliable studies, avoids exaggeration and perhaps points to some viable actions that reduce the magnitude of the problem.
One would hope that Dr. Shu has engaged himself in that endeavor. As far as “viable actions”, I’d say this thread offers one that deals with the symptoms of the blight, but unfortunately doesn’t offer a cure for the actual loss of these trees. It does, however, offer potentially curative actions to deal with another giant blight, namely global warming. If we cannot find a way to reverse the loss of these trees, surely turning their loss into a positive for mankind should be an effort on a Manhattan project scale. But turn on the news, and ask yourself if either one of these pathetic candidates are capable of providing the leadership required to launch such an effort. We are pissing away a window of opportunity that is about to slam shut. Our grand kids deserve better.
Nature has shown us the best way to deal with tree loss – plant lots of new trees.
Blights and large scale loss isn’t a new phenomenon: most people know a little about the Dutch elm disease. I also have vivid memories of a disease called “leathal yellowing” a blight that killed nearly every coconut palm tree in South Florida when I was a teenager. My brothers and I made a bit of money cutting down and carting away the tall trucks that were left standing.
The solution, and the reason that there are millions of coconut palms in South Florida today, was the massive replacement of many of the tree with resistant species.
I agree that neither Trump nor Clinton seems capable of leading in solving the many problems that we face. That’s why I’m investing my vote and my voice in Johnson-Weld. They’re not perfect and they face huge obstacles, but they are massively superior to the other options on the menu.