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“He uncovered a great deal of information and the whole world is indebted…” No information about MSRs was lost since…
Eino: its shale oil money behind this project, if my reading is correct, to power drilling, fracking & extraction, plus…
Given the point that David raised about ALARA etc. I recently read arguments that LNT is nonsense, especially in that…
Thanks Rod – I’ve been hearing about Molten Salt reactors since about 2010 when Gordon McDowell made some videos with…
I am so glad to see a Christian University doing this open and hard work of qualifying molten salt reactors.…
I have to say I’m very impressed with the job these young women did on this, especially the skype interviews of many key players. My “multimedia” school projects years ago were nothing compared to this.
I am so happy to see young ladies speaking out in support of Nuclear Energy…and this certainly puts my 5th grade trifold presentation on the Oconee Power Station to shame! What a bright highlight to a beautiful and promising Earth Day!
Great video, it has a WESTMARINE store in the background.