Proud to be living in Maryland
Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley (D) made some very useful comments in a recent article in the Washington Post titled ‘It Is a Moral Imperative’
“It is a huge moral challenge and it is a moral imperative given what massive new burning of coal will do to the planet if we don’t develop better and cleaner technology, including safer and cleaner nuclear, which is what is . . . planned and talked about in terms of the third reactor,” O’Malley said.
According to the article, Constellation may be able to break ground by December, 2008. That would be great. Hat tip to KB at NEI Nuclear Notes for pointing me to the article. Shame on me for not reading it soon enough to head up to Baltimore to participate in a counter protest to the one planned by Chesapeake Safe Energy Coalition for Saturday, March 3, 2008. Oh well, I hope they did not get much attendance.