Atomic Interlude – Heart of Nuclear Reactor
A friend on Twitter posted a link to this song; the beat and the graphics helped to put me into a contemplative mood.
A friend on Twitter posted a link to this song; the beat and the graphics helped to put me into a contemplative mood.
Rod Adams is Managing Partner of Nucleation Capital, a venture fund that invests in advanced nuclear, which provides affordable access to this clean energy sector to pronuclear and impact investors. Rod, a former submarine Engineer Officer and founder of Adams Atomic Engines, Inc., which was one of the earliest advanced nuclear ventures, is an atomic energy expert with small nuclear plant operating and design experience. He has engaged in technical, strategic, political, historic and financial analysis of the nuclear industry, its technology, regulation, and policies for several decades through Atomic Insights, both as its primary blogger and as host of The Atomic Show Podcast. Please click here to subscribe to the Atomic Show RSS feed. To join Rod's pronuclear network and receive his occasional newsletter, click here.
I am also long on my SMR. Several friends also have some. Their recent press release outlined actual construction of…
Hi; Rod: As in the other ‘comments’, I am collaborating with Spacex to develop a compact megawatt-class mini-nuke for use…
Come on; these people are all flash, and no substance! Like so many of the “new, advanced nuclear” companies out…
@Michael Scarangella Speaking as someone who has been accused of being a “Nuclear Bro,” I think you are being harsh…
Hello Rod, If you happen to remember a guy with the handle, that was me – I kinda said…
ExxonMobil is a company that is vilified by many in the environmental community, but it is also a company that is deeply respected by engineers. It is a company that is well known for focusing on its core competencies, and for not following the latest fads. Unlike some other major oil companies that have created…
The Capital newspaper of Annapolis, Maryland reported on October 9, 2005, that Unistar Nuclear, the new partnership between Constellation Generation and AREVA, will be headquartered in the Parole area of Annapolis. The article is available at “Parole partnership to develop new power plants”. Interesting – Annapolis happens to be my current hometown.
The second annual Nuclear Construction Summit will be held in Charlotte, NC on October 25-26, 2010. The meeting will include talks from leading figures associated with designing, licensing and building new nuclear power plants. The tentative speaker line up includes Ellen Ruff of Duke Energy, David Matthews of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Jeff Merrifield of…
I received this information sheet. It is important to disseminate the facts that it contains as widely as possible. In the interest of making sure that the information transfer is successful, I have not edited it. Information Sheet Regarding the Tohoku Earthquake The Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan (FEPC) Washington DC Office As…
Sometimes, I plow my way through material that almost turns my stomach or makes me laugh outright in order to keep tabs on just how far some people will go in their efforts to deny the use of atomic fission energy. It is now very close to the 30th anniversary of the accident at Three…
It might surprise many people who are not actively involved in discussions about our energy future, but there is a persistent myth that comes up with depressing regularity regarding the carbon dioxide emissions associated with various energy sources. The myth is that nuclear power plants – which produce electricity by converting uranium fission heat into…
Today is the 60th anniversary of electricity production at EBR I.
Bill – wasn’t that yesterday, December 20, 2011?
I’m sure you are correct Rod. I just saw it today on the NEI daily post.
Hey, is Bob Applebaum suggesting that we should not be exposed to any radiation? I was treated at the Mayo Clinic for a brain tumor with a pretty stiff dose of gamma radiation. I am in better health today because of that treatment.
Nuclear energy and minimal techno music – a very good fit!
Tomorrow 10:25 at the NRC:
Public Meeting –
Final Rule: AP1000 Design Certification