Call for translation assistance
I have a Google Alert set to inform me whenever there is a news article that includes the string PBMR – which is a unique string that means someone is talking about Pebble Bed Modular Reactors. For the last couple of days, I have been frustrated by the fact that all of the articles returned to me in that daily search have been written in a language that I cannot understand.
Here are the links. If you know a good translation service or can simply read the articles and send me a summary, I would be grateful.
装备制造业名词:PBMR – Chinese
España es una “isla” dentro del ámbito internacional energético – Spanish
Incidenti nucleari (alcuni poco noti) – Italian
José María Fidalgo y Cándido Méndez visitan las instalaciones de … – Spanish
I am itching to find out what the world is saying about the PBMR. If I find something out, I will share it with you all.