IRA’s Clean Electricity Tax Credits (Sections 48E and 45Y) are an under-appreciated boon for new nuclear power

IRA’s Clean Electricity Tax Credits (Sections 48E and 45Y) are an under-appreciated boon for new nuclear power

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) should make an important contribution towards mitigating future inflationary periods. It accomplishes this beneficial goal by providing important support for facilities that increase US clean electricity production. The key sections of the Inflation Reduction Act are new IRS code sections 45Y and 48E. Respectively, these are called the Clean Electricity…

Oil and gas opposition to consolidated interim spent fuel (CISF) storage facilities in Permian Basin

Oil and gas opposition to consolidated interim spent fuel (CISF) storage facilities in Permian Basin

An article titled “US sweetens pot to study siting for spent nuke fuel storage” was published in the January 26, 2023 edition of the Washington Post. The article included a paragraph that credited “environmentalists” as being the main source of opposition to construction of consolidated interim spent fuel (CISF) storage facilities that are either licensed…

Atomic Energy Wells

Atomic Energy Wells

Petroleum – a term includes oil, gas and derivatives – wells have been going dry for more than 150 years. Until the late 2000s, the solution to that problem of resource depletion has been to find a new place to drill. We now have the alternative of drilling deeper and using hydraulic fracturing techniques to…

Enough with “renewables!”

Enough with “renewables!”

The American Nuclear Society posted an article entitled How a nuclear victory at COP27 started with a teen and a text reporting on the wonderful story of Ia Aanstoot. This is the 17-year old Swedish highschool student who effectively saved the day for nuclear at COP27 by alerting a WhatsApp chat group with the right…

Can prototype nuclear reactors be licensed in the US under current rules?

Can prototype nuclear reactors be licensed in the US under current rules?

Designers and developers of nuclear power systems that are substantially different from conventional light water reactors face a conundrum. They are required to provide sufficient information to regulators to allow them to confidently predict how the designs will behave under a comprehensive set of postulated operational and accident conditions. Proving their design is safe is…

Atomic Show #303 – Bret Kugelmass, CEO Last Energy

Atomic Show #303 – Bret Kugelmass, CEO Last Energy

Last Energy is an innovative new company governed by a philosophy of avoiding the invention of anything that has not been done before. They have created a business that is laser focused on building, owning and operating small (20 MWe), modular pressurized water reactors and selling the electricity they produce under long term power purchase…

Atomic Show #302 – Dr. Sama Bilbao y Leon, Director General, World Nuclear Association

Atomic Show #302 – Dr. Sama Bilbao y Leon, Director General, World Nuclear Association

Dr. Sama Bilbao y Leon, the Director General of the World Nuclear Association, visited the Atomic Show to provide an international perspective on the revival in interest in nuclear energy deployment. As the head of the organization that represents the global nuclear industry, provides education about all matters related to using nuclear technologies, and lobbies…

Is nuclear reactor licensing process being improved as Congress mandated with NEIMA?

Is nuclear reactor licensing process being improved as Congress mandated with NEIMA?

A panel of five experts and an experienced moderator addressed the progress being made in creating effective processes to license advanced and non-LWR (light water reactors) at an ANS Winter 2022 panel session titled “Licensing the Future: How the NRC is Approaching Advanced Reactors.” Four out of five of the panelists were cautiously positive and…

Confidently building foundations for successful nuclear energy growth

Confidently building foundations for successful nuclear energy growth

Some like to describe the movement towards smaller, simpler, more sophisticated nuclear energy systems as mere hype. But serious, committed, normally reserved scientists, engineers and investors are becoming more and more convinced that real progress is underway based on solid learning from prior experience. Before the end of this decade, there will be a number…

Atomic Show #300 – Dr. Lindsay Krall, “Nuclear Waste from Small Modular Reactors”

Atomic Show #300 – Dr. Lindsay Krall, “Nuclear Waste from Small Modular Reactors”

Dr. Lindsay Krall is a geochemist currently working on projects characterizing the behavior of radioactive isotopes that will eventually be stored in a deep geologic repository being designed in Sweden for construction within the next decade. During a three year post doctoral period she worked under a MacArthur Foundation grant program to study the projected…