Amarillo Power Update – License Application Will be Filed In 2009 vice 2008
On Tuesday September 9, 2008 published an update on Amarillo Power’s planned nuclear project in the Texas panhandle. For undisclosed reasons, the company – led by George Chapman – has notified the NRC that it will be filing its construction and operating license application in late 2009 vice late 2008.
At least part of the reason for the delay is the engineering site evaluation to determine if there is sufficient water to supply the plant with the cooling it requires over its projected 60 year lifetime. From the article linked above:
“We’ve got an engineering company looking at the site and doing an evaluation of the water,” Chapman said. “I honestly believe that, if the water’s out there, we’re going to build one (a nuclear power plant). There’s no doubt.”
Interestingly enough, I know that there is a guy named T. Boone Pickens who runs a company called Mesa Water that has the rights to an extensive water resource in the same general area. I wonder if he and George are in negotiations over water and transmission line access?
If so, apparently the horse trading is going a bit slower than originally anticipated. (Purely speculating here, but it is an intriguing thought, isn’t it?)