Were the Risky Mortgages all on Single Family Homes?

Again, I have an uncharacteristically off-topic comment/question for your consideration. In nearly every article I have read in the past couple of weeks, the lending/credit crisis in America has been blamed on home mortgages made under less than stringent lending rules and on complex financial instruments designed – ideally – to package those mortgages into…

Another Green Converts to Nuclear – Mark Lynas Now Accused of Heresy

A friend sent me a link to a well-written expose of the treatment given to a card carrying UK Green Party member after his “Damascene conversion” from an opposer to a supporter of nuclear power. As he says, …the Green case against nuclear power is based largely on myth and dogma. My tipping point came…

Why Do We Need to Bail Out Banks That Made Dumb Loans?

I generally try to remain on topic on Atomic Insights, so please forgive me or simply move past this post if you do not want to read about something outside of the energy field. For the past couple of weeks I have been struggling to understand just why my country’s leaders are working feverishly to…

Another pro-nuclear blogger – Roger Fraley at XDA

Roger Fraley at XDA produced a pithy summary of the benefits and limitations of various energy alternatives. Here is what he said about nuclear power: There is one solution that seems just the ticket. Nuclear. It produces almost no CO2. It works really well (just look at Sweden and France) and a single, merely large…

Nuclear Energy Loses a Spokesman – Paul Newman Dies at 83

There are already tributes being paid to the long career and many contributions of Paul Newman. One activity that will probably not be mentioned in most media is Paul Newman’s sustained efforts to share information about nuclear energy and to promote its use through his Newman-Wachs racing team. Here are other articles detailing some of…

Video – Failure of a wind turbine

This video should provide some food for thought for people who believe that wind energy is clean and safe. Here is another video that details some of the mechanical and business risks associated with wind energy developments. This is not a spectacular failure, but one where a manufacturing or engineering problem has resulted in a…

McCain and Obama Discuss Energy Policy During Oxford, Mississippi Debate

The New York Times has a complete, uncut version of the presidential debate, including even the introductory monologue by Jim Lehrer to the live audience telling them how to behave during the debate. I listened carefully to the whole thing – after all, the selection of a Commander in Chief is important to serving members…