UK is leading the way for a reconsideration of nuclear in the EU

As many of you know, the UK has been indicating for many months that it is reconsidering its previous stance that held that nuclear power was not economic and not a good option for future plants. That position has been in place since Sizewell B came on line in the mid 1990s. However, times have…

I have a new candidate for Rod's favorite Senator – Senator Mike Enzi

I will admit that I am rather fickle when it comes to picking favorite politicians. I also tend to be focused on a single issue; if the politician recognizes the importance of energy in the American economy, they have a shot at my good side. If they understand just how clean, safe, and economical nuclear…

Recognizing a fellow traveler – Jill Buck, Founder and Executive Director Go Green Initiative

Jill Buck is the founder and Executive Director of the Go Green Initiative. According to the organization’s About Us page, this is what her organization believes: People care about protecting children’s health and safety through environmental stewardship. People will do the right thing when given trustworthy information, expert training and simple tools. People appreciate a…

Executive branch power grab

While reading an article in the Morris Daily Herald titled Recycling decision delayed, not dead: DOE needs to study more before making decisions on nuclear recycling site I ran across the following passage that includes some troubling statements from Brian Quirke, of the U.S. Department of Energy The environmental statement has a multitude of decisions…

Countering NIRS propaganda – your help is needed

One of the members of the professional anti-nuclear establishment is a group called the Nuclear Information and Research Service (NIRS). Over the years, the group has collected tens of millions of dollars in payment for their activities. One of their current campaigns is an effort to challenge the logical assertion that people who are concerned…

The Atomic Show #077 – Robert Bryce, Managing Editor, Energy Tribune

Robert Bryce, Managing Editor of Energy Tribune and Rod Adams talk about Amory Lovins, ethanol, and the way that fossil fuel interests may benefit from anti-nuclear activism. Robert Bryce, the Managing Editor of Energy Tribune is an energy journalist who likes to do math. I like this guy A LOT. A November 2007 article titled…

Update posted on Toshiba Micro Reactor story

Just before Christmas I wrote a post titled The Rapid-L reactor – designed by Japan’s CRIEPI for JAERI – is getting a lot of blog attention This morning I added the following update to that post which I am putting both here and as an insert into the original post. (Some people read blogs linearly,…

Happy Nuke Year!

As I look through the events and announcements that Atomic Insights has covered over the last year, it is hard to contain my enthusiasm for the prospects for new nuclear power developments during 2008. New applications will be filed, plant improvements will be made, and serious progress will be made in the lengthy process of…