Happy Nuke Year!
As I look through the events and announcements that Atomic Insights has covered over the last year, it is hard to contain my enthusiasm for the prospects for new nuclear power developments during 2008. New applications will be filed, plant improvements will be made, and serious progress will be made in the lengthy process of getting the public to understand the benefits that nuclear power brings them. There is a lot of FUD to overcome, but there is a growing recognition that the effort to fight the misinformation is worth it.
There will be a number of key opportunities for discussion and debate as the US presidential race continues and as the UK, France, the EU, India, China, South Africa and perhaps even Germany talk about what they will be doing to address the twin challenges of global warming and energy security.
Yesterday, I got together with a couple of friends – John Wheeler of This Week In Nuclear and Kelly Taylor, a stay at home mom with 21 years of experience in nuclear plant operations – for a chat about what we thought the New Year would bring to the nuclear industry and to people who have determined that nuclear technology is their chosen career field. Our conversation might also interest anyone who is looking around, trying to determine growth industries and where they will fine good rewarding careers.
You can find the discussion at The Atomic Show #076 – Happy Nuke Year with John Wheeler, Kelly Taylor, and Rod Adams.
John Wheeler has also posted the conversation on This Week In Nuclear as his Episode 54 – Happy Nuke Year show.
Here’s wishing you all a prosperous, happy, healthy, clean, safe, Nuke Year!