Fort Collins – should it be green or yellow or both?

A friend sent me a link to an interesting article on the web site of the International Herald Tribune titled A green city confronts its energy needs and nuclear worries. The article is intriguing on several levels. It talks about two businesses with a common location. One is a solar panel manufacturer – AVA Solar…

Effects of ship emissions – as many as 60,000 premature deaths each year

It is well known and accepted that tiny particles breathed into human lungs can cause a number of different health effects including asthma, heart attacks, lung cancer and other respiratory illnesses. The dangerous size is particles that are 2.5 microns or less because there are few natural defenses against these becoming deeply embedded into lung…

Important analysis of the effects of public policy on nuclear power

Jack Spencer at the Hertiage Foundation has published an important new paper with a substantial list of references that traces the effects of a shift in US public policy during the period from 1953-1980 regarding nuclear power from strong support to overt discouragement and over regulation. The paper is titled Competitive Nuclear Energy Investment: Avoiding…

Wall St. Journal – Special section on energy – NO mention of nuclear

I am a subscriber to the paper edition of the Wall Street Journal. It is a valuable source of information about the world of business. It has little in common with what people often refer to as “the liberal media”. Several times in the past couple of weeks, however, the Journal has featured stories about…

ANS Winter Meeting 2007 – Day 2 Jeff Immelt, Chairman and CEO GE

The title for this year’s ANS Winter Meeting is “Making the Renaissance Real” appeals to me and is one of the main reasons that I have invested a valuable holiday weekend in attending the meeting. One of the reasons that it appeals to me is that it uses the active voice and does not pose…

ANS Winter Meeting 2007 – Day 1 "Hanging around at the Hotel"

One of my favorite reasons for attending conferences is the conversations that occur outside of the presentations. Normally, the presentations are just a basis for starting an interesting relationship with someone who either agrees or disagrees with the speaker’s point of view. At the American Nuclear Society meetings, much of the real opportunity for conversation…

Young professionals are "allive and kicking" at the American Nuclear Society

Yesterday – November 10, 2007 – I spent the day with an energetic, excited, engaged and highly educated group of young professionals who are members of the American Nuclear Society Young Members Group, the North American Young Generation in Nuclear or both. They spent the day talking about topics interesting to them – I am…

Wind turbines for the rest of us

One of the challenges that faces the wind industry is that the most economical turbines from the point of view of cost per kilowatt hour generated are massive structures that are 80-120 meters tall, have blades with a radius of up to 90 meters and cost upwards of $3 million per unit. Those are not…

ANS/ENS Winter Meeting and Young Professional’s Congress

There will be no Atomic Show Podcast this week. I am making preparations to cover the 2007 American Nuclear Society (ANS)/European Nuclear Society (ENS) Winter meeting and the associated Young Professional’s Congress. The Young Professional’s Congress is a joint effort between North American Young Generation in Nuclear (NA-YGN) and the American Nuclear Society’s Young Member…

Huffington Post – The Truth About Nuclear Energy

My Google Alert for “new nuclear plants” pointed out an article with an interesting title yesterday morning – The Truth About Nuclear Energy. The title plus the teaser excerpt from the article made me grin – I was pretty sure I knew who the author of the comment was before clicking on the link in…

ANS/ENS Winter Meeting 2007 – Making the Renaissance Real

I am making preparations to cover the American Nuclear Society (ANS)/ European Nuclear Society (ENS) 2007 Winter meeting and the associated Young Professional’s Congress. The Young Professional’s Congress is a joint effort between North American Young Generation in Nuclear (NA-YGN) and the American Nuclear Society’s Young Member Group. The meetings are taking place in Washington…