Who Says Nukes Have No Sense of Humor or Rhythm?
Meredith Angwin at Yes Vermont Yankee posted this three year old classic on her site today. Just remember that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Meredith Angwin at Yes Vermont Yankee posted this three year old classic on her site today. Just remember that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Rod Adams is Managing Partner of Nucleation Capital, a venture fund that invests in advanced nuclear, which provides affordable access to this clean energy sector to pronuclear and impact investors. Rod, a former submarine Engineer Officer and founder of Adams Atomic Engines, Inc., which was one of the earliest advanced nuclear ventures, is an atomic energy expert with small nuclear plant operating and design experience. He has engaged in technical, strategic, political, historic and financial analysis of the nuclear industry, its technology, regulation, and policies for several decades through Atomic Insights, both as its primary blogger and as host of The Atomic Show Podcast. Please click here to subscribe to the Atomic Show RSS feed. To join Rod's pronuclear network and receive his occasional newsletter, click here.
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I am sincerely flattered. Thanks, Rod!