Washington Monthly – Detailed Article Discussing Feed-In-Tariffs
One of the big ideas in promoting a large industry dedicated to producing solar panels and wind turbines is the “feed in tariff”. As practiced in Germany, this concept guarantees that any supplier of power using approved methods can sell the power at a price high enough to provide a rate of return – normally somewhere in the 7-9% range.
When properly structured, this concept can result in rapid growth for the designated technologies and the establishment of many excellent job opportunities.
You can read an excellent article with plenty of examples and details at this month’s issue of Washington Monthly. The article is titled The Rooftop Revolution: A little-known policy is turning sleepy central Florida into a green energy hub. Could it do the same for America at large?.
The article begs for some follow-on questions and answers, but it is time to get going so I can continue putting food on my table via the day job paycheck. Maybe you can take the time to start the conversation – I’ll join later in the day or tomorrow morning.