Atomic Insights support request – Utility Working Conference
It is a challenging time for the nuclear industry and for all of the people with a keen interest in the growth and promotion of nuclear technology.
The work stoppage at VC Summer and the continuing transition efforts at Vogtle add to the turmoil and uncertainty that are leading to numerous unpleasant surprises for nuclear professionals.
In just a few days, there is a timely opportunity to obtain valuable insider insights.
The American Nuclear Society’s annual Utility Working Conference will run from Aug 6-9. It is the premier ANS meeting for people whose involvement with nuclear technology focuses on power generation.
Atomic Insights is willing to attend the UWC and share whatever information we can glean.
We could use all the help we can get to defray the associated costs, which include $975 for registration, plus transportation, incidentals and lodging.
If you appreciate the work that Atomic Insights does please use the button below to make a non tax-deductible payment.
No amount is too small to help; no amount is too large for us to accept.
We can make the decision to attend as late as Sunday morning. Our commitment is to be there as long as payments made between now and then are at least 50% of the budgeted attendance cost of $2,200.
Thank you.
Just donated. Thank you for your honest and inspiring efforts on behalf of the future! Well worthy of support.
I’ll pitch in a little bit. I hope you get enough to make this trip.
Thanks to several generous readers, I’ve received enough support to be able to attend the first day of the event. I’ll let you know what I learn.