University of Nevada gets DOE Grant to Study Used Nuclear Fuel Recycling
The University of Nevada News has posted a brief article about a new project to develop ways to use molten salts to recycle used nuclear fuel. Mano Misra, Director of the Center for Materials Research and a professor in the Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering said the following about the project:
“This will be so cost effective and safe, and solve the dilemma of disposal and storage of nuclear wastes,” Misra said. “One of the critical problems in the expansion of nuclear power is the limitation of waste management.”
“The nuclear waste created in the recycling process would be minimal compared to the quantities of nuclear waste needing storage now in a repository such as Yucca Mountain and would require much less time for storage,” he said.
I wonder if the Senator from Nevada had anything to do with ensuring that UoN received this particular grant? Wonder if there will be anyone in the state that regrets putting up so many road blocks to the free import of vital raw material that they could have been getting if the rest of the country was shipping its used fuel to the state?