Explaining the Climate Change Discussion in Comic Form

Shane Brown, my old friend from the early days of The Atomic Show, send me a link yesterday evening to a comic titled Climate Change. When Shane recommends that I read something, I generally follow his advice. I hope you will as well; this comic is quite good, gently opinionated and thought provoking. Here is…

Update: One-Woman Crusade to Encourage Exelon to Restore the Zion Nuclear Power Plant and Operate it In Her Backyard

About six weeks ago, I wrote about Nancy Thorner’s relatively lonely effort to encourage Exelon, the largest owner/operator of nuclear power facilities in the United States, to operate a nuclear plant in her backyard. Nancy’s effort has a giant advantage over those of several other groups around the country who are trying to attract the…

Exelon gives up in struggle against antinuclear, pro-natural gas activists – will close Oyster Creek at least 10 years prematurely

I received a depressing press release last evening. Exelon has announced a decision to close Oyster Creek in 2019, 10 years before the expiration of its current operating license. The company has announced that the decision is based on several factors. As the plant ages the cost of maintenance gradually increases; the selling price of…