Happy anniversary! 68 years ago today (December 2, 1942), Fermi and his team controlled the first chain reaction at CP-1

A great way to celebrate the birth of atomic fission power is to visit PopAtomic Studios to purchase an attractive desk display that includes a piece of history – a slice of graphite from CP-1. The additional gift that you receive from purchasing one is the knowledge that you are supporting the Michael Krupinski Memorial Foundation (MKMF). Here is how Suzy Hobbs at PopAtomic Studios described what that organization does:
MKMF is an effort to expand the pipeline of students entering the engineering field to support the growth of the nuclear industry’s workforce. They do this through real-time interactive reactor lab sessions that are done live via the internet using cameras in classrooms across America. We encourage you to learn more about their work and share this exciting project with anyone who might be interested in supporting this important cause.
The one I purchased looks very similar to the one pictured.
Cool. She doesn’t know it yet, but my wife has just found the Christmas gift she is going to give me this year.
My birthday is coming up, Dec 9th…….
Here is the direct link to the order form:
Just scroll on down to the bottom!
Cool, I should have known since I have a piece of the pile at home. I use a picture of it for my Huffinton Post profile picture. I traded a piece of Trinitite to an Idaho Nat. Lab. chemist for it.