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  1. @ Engineer-Poet,

    A bit of history about Pravda. During the ‘steel curtain’ era, the political cartoonists enjoyed freedom of speech to the same degree as newspapers in the western world.

    A seldom known fact.

  2. Is there any doubt why some call it “the Lamestream Media”?

    Ever notice that the biggest advertisers on the dinosaur broadcast network’s nightly news shows are drug companies, especially those catering to the middle-aged or elderly?

    The current trend with younger people is to get their news and information off the Internet. Depending on their critical thinking abilities, whether this will reveal or obscure the facts remains to be seen.

    The nuclear PR organizations, such as they are, should be monitoring the content of reader-edited sites such as Wikipedia, which is considered by many to be authoritative. As I explore nuclear topics there it never ceases to amaze me how much FUD has been gratuitously inserted by self-appointed antinuclear editors. They are already insidiously shaping the minds of the next generation.

  3. Interesting article, but the question that needs answering is “is it true?” (really, “how much closer to truth is it than the current models?”).

  4. Re: ” As I explore nuclear topics there it never ceases to amaze me how much FUD has been gratuitously inserted by self-appointed antinuclear editors.”

    If you try to insert nuclear advocacy facts and comments and corrections on Wiki, they seem to disappear after a couple of days, no matter which nuclear feature page. Outside YouTube there seems no mass-info alternative to get the nuclear truth out. 🙁

    James Greenidge
    Queens NY

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