Atomic Show #313 – Stefano Buono, Founder and CEO of Newcleo

Atomic Show #313 – Stefano Buono, Founder and CEO of Newcleo

Stefano Buono is a physicist and the successful founder of Advanced Accelerator Applications, a multibillion dollar company that pioneered the use of several therapeutic medical isotopes. After making several people very rich, including himself, he sold the medical isotope business and returned to his early 1990s field of study – nuclear fission reactors using molten…

Atomic Show #312 – Tyler Bernstein, CEO Zeno Power

Atomic Show #312 – Tyler Bernstein, CEO Zeno Power

Zeno Power makes cost-effective radioisotope power systems (RPS) for some of the most challenging environments in the solar system. Its systems use a proprietary package that allows a wider variety of isotopes to perform functions previously reserved for Pu-238, a rare isotope that is slowly produced at great expense. What is the value of RPS?…

Atomic Show #311 – Mary Jo Rogers – Founder, Rogers Leadership Group

Atomic Show #311 – Mary Jo Rogers – Founder, Rogers Leadership Group

Mary Jo Rogers is a trained clinical psychologist who developed her interest workforce safety cultures and leadership in the nuclear power sector while consulting and working for ComEd (later Exelon). At the time she began her work, ComEd was a perennially under-performing utility with new leaders that were committed to turning it into the best…

Atomic Show #310 – Ron Faibish on Space Nuclear Power

Atomic Show #310 – Ron Faibish on Space Nuclear Power

In the past few years, there has been a strong revival of interest in using nuclear fission energy to power space travel and planetary exploration. There have also been new developments in radioisotope thermal generators that will make them more widely available with greater energy density. Though there has been interest in using nuclear energy…

Atomic Show #309 – Matt Huber, Geography of Energy

Atomic Show #309 – Matt Huber, Geography of Energy

Matt Huber is a professor of geography at Syracuse University. He writes about energy, economies and the way that energy sources have influenced modern societies and economies. One of his first books was Lifeblood: Oil, Freedom, and the Forces of Capital (2013) which is very briefly described as follows: Looking beyond the usual culprits, “Lifeblood”…

Atomic Show #308 – Alyssa Hayes, Nuclear Energy Advocate

Atomic Show #308 – Alyssa Hayes, Nuclear Energy Advocate

Alyssa Hayes is a leader in the pro-nuclear movement. She is a PhD candidate in nuclear engineering at the University of Tennessee and she has been interested in policy making and politics since interning with her local representative when she was 14 years old. She was involved in the successful efforts to save four nuclear…

Atomic Show #307 – Mark Nelson, Managing Director Radiant Energy Group

Atomic Show #307 – Mark Nelson, Managing Director Radiant Energy Group

Mark Nelson has been traveling the world in an effort to help create a sustainable pronuclear movement. His focus includes both saving existing plants and encouraging the construction of new reactor in areas that have operating reactors, those that have shut down their nuclear plants and in countries that have never operated nuclear plants. We…

Atomic Show #306 – Dr. Rita Baranwal, Westinghouse AP300

Atomic Show #306 – Dr. Rita Baranwal, Westinghouse AP300

Westinghouse, one of the world’s first nuclear power plant vendors, recently announced a new small modular reactor (SMR) design called the AP300. It is described as a simplified version of the AP1000, four of which are currently operating in China and two of which are in the final stages of operational testing in Georgia, United…

Atomic Show #304 – Len Rodberg, Nuclear New York

Atomic Show #304 – Len Rodberg, Nuclear New York

Dr. Leonard Rodberg spent most of his adult life being opposed to nuclear energy. A half a dozen years ago, he abruptly changed his mind. Ever since, he has been a strong and vocal advocate for the increased use of nuclear energy. On Atomic Show #304 Len and I discuss his education, career, his changing…

Atomic Show #303 – Bret Kugelmass, CEO Last Energy

Atomic Show #303 – Bret Kugelmass, CEO Last Energy

Last Energy is an innovative new company governed by a philosophy of avoiding the invention of anything that has not been done before. They have created a business that is laser focused on building, owning and operating small (20 MWe), modular pressurized water reactors and selling the electricity they produce under long term power purchase…

Atomic Show #302 – Dr. Sama Bilbao y Leon, Director General, World Nuclear Association

Atomic Show #302 – Dr. Sama Bilbao y Leon, Director General, World Nuclear Association

Dr. Sama Bilbao y Leon, the Director General of the World Nuclear Association, visited the Atomic Show to provide an international perspective on the revival in interest in nuclear energy deployment. As the head of the organization that represents the global nuclear industry, provides education about all matters related to using nuclear technologies, and lobbies…