Orangeville Citizen editorial – Stop dillydallying and build new nuclear power stations
In an editorial titled Why a quick commitment is needed on nuclear power the Orangeville (Ontario) Citizen has the following comment to make about Ontario’s current leadership and its actions with regard to nuclear power:
As we see it, there’s no doubt whatsoever that Ontario needs two multi-unit nuclear power plants, one at the Darlington station site on Lake Ontario and the other at the huge Bruce Nuclear Power Development on Lake Huron mid-way between Kincardine and Port Elgin.
In all likelihood, the only reason for the current government’s inaction has been the Oct. 10 provincial election and the attendant fear that a commitment now would be unpopular among voters generally, and in particular those who might be inclined to support the New Democrats or the Green Party.
In our view, a commitment now to build two four-unit stations makes eminent good sense, and ought to be accompanied by a special environmental assessment process that excludes repetitive, time-wasting debates over alternative energy sources.
There are additional forceful recommendations in the editorial. Recommended reading for all.