More "Little Guys" Rallying The Troops for Natural Gas
A couple of days ago, I blogged about the interesting way that National Public Radio (NPR) produced a three part feature piece on natural gas that portrayed the extraction businesses involved in natural gas as powerless “little guys”. That blog post, like all Atomic Insights blog posts, was republished at The Energy Collective, where it was noticed by Mike Pickens, the son of T. Boone Pickens.
A fellow USNA graduate saw that post, looked me up and told me about finding my work on Pickens Plan. While doing the vanity thing and seeing what they had to say about me, I noticed the below video and thought that it did a pretty good job of illustrating my point that natural gas, whatever its advantages over other fossil fuels, does not deserve a pass by virtue of being solely the providence of small businesses.
It is well supported by some major players; its producers are part of the energy establishment. If you like it for its cleanliness and mostly domestic sources, that is okay, but please do not try to portray it as an underdog with little political power. I think LBJ would disagree with that portrayal, if he was alive today. I am certain that Bill Clinton and Al Gore, if asked under truth serum, would tell you that natural gas interests helped to propel them into office and helped to ensure that they served for two full terms.