Marv Fertel, President NEI, on Meet the Press regarding effects of Japan's earthquake on nuclear power plants
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Rod Adams is Managing Partner of Nucleation Capital, a venture fund that invests in advanced nuclear, which provides affordable access to this clean energy sector to pronuclear and impact investors. Rod, a former submarine Engineer Officer and founder of Adams Atomic Engines, Inc., which was one of the earliest advanced nuclear ventures, is an atomic energy expert with small nuclear plant operating and design experience. He has engaged in technical, strategic, political, historic and financial analysis of the nuclear industry, its technology, regulation, and policies for several decades through Atomic Insights, both as its primary blogger and as host of The Atomic Show Podcast. Please click here to subscribe to the Atomic Show RSS feed. To join Rod's pronuclear network and receive his occasional newsletter, click here.
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Thank you Rod, I read Ted’s article and was a little convinced by it. I did wonder why he he…
Rod, this is very compelling insight. When I read Ted Nordhaus’ recent piece opposing Marzano, I found it fairly compelling…
I am also long on my SMR. Several friends also have some. Their recent press release outlined actual construction of…
Hi; Rod: As in the other ‘comments’, I am collaborating with Spacex to develop a compact megawatt-class mini-nuke for use…
Come on; these people are all flash, and no substance! Like so many of the “new, advanced nuclear” companies out…
I know that some people avoid long comment threads, so occasionally I elevate a good discussion from the comments section up to the main part of the blog. A reader who identifies himself as K made a comment on my 25 August post titled Looking at nuclear power as a heat source for Alberta oil…
A good friend sent me a link to Steven Milloy – of – opinion piece titled Environmentalists Prompt Nuclear Power Wake-Up Call published on August 14, 2008 on Here is the lede from that piece What did the nuclear power industry get for playing footsie with the “greens” on global warming? A knife…
For many years, I have been involved in discussions with a dedicated group of scientists and engineers who question the basis of our current radiation control limits. According to the way that these people, mostly member of an organization called Radiation, Science and Health, interpret the results of hundreds of carefully conducted studies, the Linear,…
Here is another pithy clip from Ted Rockwell’s testimony to the Senate Republican Conference on June 22, 2009. He provides some solid engineering reasons why he agrees that modular reactors provide an interesting alternative to large ones. He is specifically addressing the B&M mPowerâ„¢ in response to a question from Senator Lamar Alexander, but the…
Wisconsin is one of the states in the US that has a law on its books that is a virtual moratorium on new nuclear power plants. Its law is similar to the one in California that states that the public service commission cannot approve a new nuclear plant until the federal government has built and…
All available energy sources have their limitations and disadvantages as well as their advantages. These limitations are generally well known and frequently repeated. “Everyone knows” most of the following litany of negatives: The world’s supply of oil is limited and concentrated in politically unstable regions of the world. Natural gas is explosive and expensive to…
“Bravo” to Marv Fertel. I am glad to see more and more good information from reliable sources on the news today. The headlines are still very sensationalized, but the content seems to be calming down.
James Walsh is the “nuclear expert” on CNN right now. Dr. Walsh has a PhD in PoliSci–why can’t they find anyone who can actually spell neutron?
Bravo to Rod, who waded into this issue hip deep from the very beginning. Willing to be wrong early in the interest of being calm and reasoned – and taking untold heat from all directions for it. I appreciate your leadership, Rod! Thanks for this Marv Fertel piece, too. I was having trouble finding it directly. Thank you, thank you!
There has been very little responsible media coverage of the five troubled Japanese reactors in the US. This short interview with Marv Fertel is one of the best. It is much to be regretted that so much of the coverage that is inundating the country is so misinformed and so biased. Our ability to build new nuclear is ultimately determined by regulatory rulings and actions. Regulation is ultimately driven by the public’s real and perceived views regarding the safety of nuclear technology.
Bad news reporting does lasting harm when it is turned into bad advice from Congress to further ratchet up nuclear regulatory obstacles.