Marv Fertel, President NEI, on Meet the Press regarding effects of Japan's earthquake on nuclear power plants
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Rod Adams is Managing Partner of Nucleation Capital, a venture fund that invests in advanced nuclear, which provides affordable access to this clean energy sector to pronuclear and impact investors. Rod, a former submarine Engineer Officer and founder of Adams Atomic Engines, Inc., which was one of the earliest advanced nuclear ventures, is an atomic energy expert with small nuclear plant operating and design experience. He has engaged in technical, strategic, political, historic and financial analysis of the nuclear industry, its technology, regulation, and policies for several decades through Atomic Insights, both as its primary blogger and as host of The Atomic Show Podcast. Please click here to subscribe to the Atomic Show RSS feed. To join Rod's pronuclear network and receive his occasional newsletter, click here.
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How can it use a Brayton cycle if it doesn’t get output heat at 1200 Celsius?
*Just realised that it is using an open air brayton cycle turbine, which won’t work underwater! I guess it could…
Could this be used to make the Australian Navy’s upcoming Ghost Shark drone submarines almost unlimited range?
Hi Rod, Fascinating program on e-Vinci with Leah Crider. Looking at the Westinghouse website, there is shielding on one end…
Trying this again. Hi, Rod. I am conversing with Elon M. on power generation needs for a Mars surface application.…
Germany’s utilities and major energy consuming businesses are taking the battle over special taxes into the public domain. They are refusing to be patsies for the politicians who are trying to frame the debate and tell the public that extending nuclear power plant operation is simply a gift to the plant owners. Though I do…
I once earned the nickname of “Fuels” while participating in a series of Naval War College seminar courses titled National Security Decision Making, Strategy and War, and Joint Maritime Operations. Each course in the series was taught in three-four hour blocks one night per week and lasted for two full academic semesters. Anyone who has…
During the last three months, there has been a significant controversy in Canada about the National Research Universal (NRU) – a fifty year old 135 MWth nuclear research reactor that is a primary source of several important medical isotopes. The story is a complicated one that deserves some thoughtful investigation and understanding. It is also…
Last weekend, a friend who regularly publishes diaries on Daily Kos asked permission to reprint my Atomic Insights post titled Charleston (West Virginia) Daily Mail Warns Readers – Proposed Nuclear Plants Could Affect WVa Coal. Knowing that Daily Kos often attracts some passionate commenters, especially when it comes to matters that might challenge their normal…
The Wall Street Journal has published an editorial by William (Bill) Tucker, author of Terrestrial Energy, titled There Is No Such Thing As Nuclear Waste. Of course, we all know that headline is a bit of an oversimplification designed to capture attention, but the sentiments are in the right place. The op-ed is a condensed…
As a “served engineer” on a nuclear powered submarine, I learned a long time ago that things go wrong, even with the very best technology. The recognition of inevitable “problems” should not deter technical development and should not make people afraid to develop new products and services, but it should add a healthy dose of…
“Bravo” to Marv Fertel. I am glad to see more and more good information from reliable sources on the news today. The headlines are still very sensationalized, but the content seems to be calming down.
James Walsh is the “nuclear expert” on CNN right now. Dr. Walsh has a PhD in PoliSci–why can’t they find anyone who can actually spell neutron?
Bravo to Rod, who waded into this issue hip deep from the very beginning. Willing to be wrong early in the interest of being calm and reasoned – and taking untold heat from all directions for it. I appreciate your leadership, Rod! Thanks for this Marv Fertel piece, too. I was having trouble finding it directly. Thank you, thank you!
There has been very little responsible media coverage of the five troubled Japanese reactors in the US. This short interview with Marv Fertel is one of the best. It is much to be regretted that so much of the coverage that is inundating the country is so misinformed and so biased. Our ability to build new nuclear is ultimately determined by regulatory rulings and actions. Regulation is ultimately driven by the public’s real and perceived views regarding the safety of nuclear technology.
Bad news reporting does lasting harm when it is turned into bad advice from Congress to further ratchet up nuclear regulatory obstacles.