More accurate headline would be “Fukushima Containment Worked”

The advertiser supported media cannot bring itself to admit that the hype and fear mongering that they indulged in for weeks after the Great North East Japan earthquake and tsunami were based on wild “worst case scenario” fantasies. Here is a recent report that carried the following attention grabbing headline: In meltdown, Japan dodged even…

Crowd sourced debunking of Gundersen lies about AP1000 & Fukushima

I have an important request for Atomic Insights readers. Our old friend, Arnie Gundersen, has once again violated the admonition that it is better to remain silent and thought to be a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. In this recent video, he describes how he was commissioned by a group…

Ontario’s CANDUs can be more flexible than natural gas and hydro

By: Donald Jones, P.Eng. There is a widely held belief that commercial nuclear-electric plants are only capable of baseload operation when in fact they can be more flexible than a natural gas-fired generating station. This belief has led the Ontario government to restrict nuclear generation to 50 percent of total demand, in its Long-Term Energy…

Sensible recommendation: 100 mSv/month – As High As Relatively Safe

Dr. Wade Allison, the author of Radiation and Reason, was interviewed following a recent visit to Japan. He has a rational recommendation for the international radiation protection community – instead of setting radiation dose limits based on keeping them as close to zero as possible, why not choose levels that are based on keeping the…

Argentina’s political leadership is proud of its recent nuclear accomplishments

Argentina recently held a ribbon cutting ceremony for the Atucha II Nuclear Power Plant, on the occasion of completing its construction – thirty years after breaking ground in June 1981. The project is a source of immense pride in a country that was once a leader in nuclear energy development in Latin America. According to…

The Atomic Show #091 – Alexandra Prokopenko journalist and blogger at Atom Watch Blog

Alexandra Prokopenko is a Belarusian journalist living, working and studying in Sweden. She spoke with Rod Adams while on holiday in Kiev, Ukraine. This show truly demonstrates the individual power and freedom provided to the world by the Internet. While we talked via Skype video conferencing (without additional charges above our internet connection fees) Alexandra…

The Atomic Show #087 – Ben Kenney of theWatt Podcast discusses power in Canada

Ben Kenney is the host of theWatt Podcast a well established and popular discussion show about all things energy. We talked about power decisions in Canada, CANDU technology, and New Brunswick’s electricity export plans. Ben Kenney is studying for his PhD in chemical engineering, with a focus on solid oxide fuel cells. He expects to…