FP&L focuses on Turkey Point
I have a very soft spot in my heart for FP&L – my dad worked for the company for 35 years as an electrical engineer. I have great memories of company picnics, company Christmas parties, and visiting him in his office while I was in high school and college trying to decide what I would do as a profession.
I also remember quite clearly having discussions with him about some modern new power plants that his company had decided to build at a place with a funny name – at least to an 8-year old – Turkey Point.
Indications are that FP&L is again looking at the possibility of building a new plant or two at that same site, which is just far enough from the major population centers of Miami and Fort Lauderdale that is makes a very good power plant site. There is plenty of water available, there are evacuation plans already in place, the local population loves the high salary jobs in a place where tourism is a more common employer, there is transmission infrastructure in place and there is a receptive local political structure. Even the crocodiles love the warm water in the cooling canals. All in all, it looks like Turkey Point is a winner for a new nuclear power plant or two.
You can read more in the May 25, 2007 Miami Herald article titled FPL considering new nuclear reactor at Turkey Point.