Atomic Show #113 – Obama and Nuclear Power, Areva-Northrop, Constellation

Kelly Taylor and Rod Adams chat about President-elect Obama’s nuclear energy policies, the Areva-Northrop Grumman joint venture, and Warren Buffett’s purchase of Constellation Energy. Kelly Taylor and I got together for a Sunday evening chat to discuss President-elect Obama’s nuclear energy policies and their implications for the nuclear industry’s growth and development. We also talked…

The Atomic Show #111 – Chat With Dan Yurman – Nuclear Developments October 2008

Dan Yurman of Idaho Samizdat and Rod Adams of Atomic Insights chat about nuclear power developments from the third week of October 2008. Dan Yurman, who produces the excellent blog titled Idaho Samizdat visited the Atomic Show for a discussion about the exciting world of nuclear power developments. We talked for well over an hour…

The Atomic Show #104 – Hyperion Power Generation with John ‘Grizz’ Deal

John ‘Grizz’ Deal is the CEO of Hyperion Power Generation. Rod Adams and John Deal talked about the company’s 27 MWe small nuclear heat source and plans for commercializing the technology. Hyperion Power Generation was formed in 2007 to commercialize a nuclear reactor technology first developed by Otis G. (Pete) Peterson of Los Alamos National…

Atomic Show #103 – PBMR Engineering Contract

Kelly Taylor, Rod Adams and Joe Montague discuss nuclear news, including PBMR’s announced EPC contract Kelly Taylor, Joe Montague and I meet to chat about PBMR, nuclear events and nuclear industry history. Hope you enjoy the show. If you want to find out more about careers in the nuclear industry, please visit Podcast: Play…

The Atomic Show #100 – Nuclear Power on a New Scale – NuScale Power

Paul Lorenzini and Jose Reyes of NuScale Power chat about their company’s 45 MWe natural circulation light water reactor. This episode sponsored by Entergy Nuclear. Imagine – a traditional utility company far sighted enough to invest advertising dollars in the Atomic Show Podcast! One of the more exciting developments in the nuclear industry is the…

The Atomic Show #097 – Report from ANS Winter Meeting with John Wheeler and Kelly Taylor

Workforce development, small reactors, 2008 ANS Annual Meeting, job opportunities, industry involvement in ANS, Zion Nuclear Power Plant John Wheeler, Kelly Taylor and I talked about workforce development and John’s impressions from the American Nuclear Society Annual meeting, recently held in Anaheim, California. With regard to workforce development we chatted about the opportunities that the…

The Atomic Show #096 – Bonne Posma, Founder, Liquid Coal Inc.

Bonne Posma wants to use heat from atomic reactors as part of a process of cleanly converting coal into a liquid hydrocarbon – either diesel fuel or jet fuel depending on the market demands. Bonne Posma is a serial entrepreneur whose latest company is called Liquid Coal, Inc.. He has developed a concept for using…

The Atomic Show #066 – Interview with Cameron Reilly – New Media Guru

Cameron Reilly is the founder and CEO of The Podcast Network. He is visiting The Atomic Show to share some thoughts on using the new media tools to spread information about niche topics. Among nuclear advocates, it is commonly believed that “the media” is one of the reasons for the end of the first Atomic…

The Atomic Show #055 – Texas – next nuclear capital of US?

The great state of Texas seems to be poised to become the nuclear capital of the US based on the number of new nuclear plants that have been proposed for the state. TXU, Exelon, NRG and Amarillo Power have all proposed major new nuclear power plant projects in Texas, already the home of 4 of…

The Atomic Show #050

The atomic geeks chat about the new radiation warning symbol, France’s interest in selling large plants to South Africa, Japan’s new mixed oxide fuel plant and much more. Enjoy the ride! Half of Atomic Show 50 comes to you from a food court in Norfolk, VA – I am on travel this week. Shane and…