Atomic Rod talks with Paige and Gretchen on The Mommycast
Shane was on vacation last week, so I took the opportunity to do an interview with the engaging ladies from the Mommycast. The episode where I was the guest is titled “Commander Adams!”.
I think it turned out pretty well – Paige and Gretchen are always entertaining and seem to genuinely enjoy talking with people and letting them share their passions. I hope you check out our discussion and perhaps even begin subscribing to their show.
Many people around the world are calling for a “real conversation” about energy, and I think that is a great idea. I love to engage people in discussions about atomic power in comparison to other available energy sources; one of the reasons that I started podcasting is that my family and friends are a bit tired of the topic that fascinates me so much.
If you have other suggestions of guests that would be good for this show, or podcasts where you think I could contribute to an already existing conversation on energy, please let me know.
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