Another Senator for Nuclear Power
In a recent article titled TVA joins Energy Department in nuclear recycling I found the following section worth noting:
“If we’re going to have a renewal of nuclear power, which I believe is critically important, TVA can and should play a big role in that future,” said Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, energy and natural resources subcommittee member.
The goal would be to develop a system of recycling nuclear waste that’s even better than what they’re doing in France, England, Japan and Russia today, Sessions said.
Politically, however, nuclear recycling has a history of being unpopular. In fiscal year 2008, $405 million was requested to fund GNEP, but Congress instead awarded $179.4 million to the program.
“Getting funding for nuclear renewal in America has been like pulling hen’s teeth,” said Sessions.
Since reading that passage, I have spent some time learning more about Senator Sessions. I cannot claim to be a fan, but I do think he is correct in his recognition that nuclear power is critically important.