George Monbiot debates Helen Caldicott, who says he is lying

There are times when a discussion turns from somewhat painful to entertaining theater. This conversation between George Monbiot and Helen Caldicott, featured on the March 31, 2011 edition of Democracy Now! entered that realm. Update: (Posted at 0500 on April 1, 2011) After some overnight thought, I realized that I needed to add some more…

Vermont Yankee’s MK I Containment – Upgrades and Mods

One of the results of the accidents at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station has been a legitimate effort to seek answers to the question – “Can it happen here?” Responsible nuclear professionals would not stop there, they would proceed to a series of questions. If so, what should we do right now to reduce…

Chernobyl Consequences – Myths and Fables Versus Science

In December of 2009, the Annals New York Academy of Sciences provided publication services for a book titled Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment. Here is how the book is described on a web page with the HTML title of Chernobyl | The New York Academy of Sciences: (The HTML title…

The Atomic Show #133 – Todd Tucker, Author Atomic America

Atomic America has a thought provoking subtitle – “How a Deadly Explosion and a Feared Admiral Changed the Course of Nuclear History”. The unifying story through the book is one that most nuclear trained people know a little about – the accident at the Army’s SL-1 that took place on January 3, 1961. In Atomic…

The Atomic Show #091 – Alexandra Prokopenko journalist and blogger at Atom Watch Blog

Alexandra Prokopenko is a Belarusian journalist living, working and studying in Sweden. She spoke with Rod Adams while on holiday in Kiev, Ukraine. This show truly demonstrates the individual power and freedom provided to the world by the Internet. While we talked via Skype video conferencing (without additional charges above our internet connection fees) Alexandra…


Zbigniew Jaworowski (Professor Emeritus of the Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection, Warsaw Poland) has written an excellent column titled Chernobyl: The Fear of the Unknown? It was commissioned by a group that received the draft from Dr. Jaworowski in February, 2006 and then took so long to review it that they missed the deadlines imposed…


This column was written by Dr. Zbigniew Jaworowski (Professor Emeritus of the Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection, Warsaw Poland). It was commissioned by a group that received the draft in February and then took so long to review it that they missed the deadlines imposed by traditional media outlets for publication during the “attention period”…

Letter from the Editor: Solving the SL-1 Mystery

Some of the sources that we interviewed suggested that there may have been unstated reasons for not releasing the report. While the term “cover-up” was not used, the phrase “let sleeping dogs lie” was used more than once. One common link in the training of most nukes is the viewing of a grainy, black and…