Atomic Show #189 – Energy Subsidies

Dr. Jim Conca recently published an article titled What’s Better? A Carbon Tax or Energy Subsidies? for his column on I invited him, along with Cal Abel, a nuclear engineering PhD candidate at Georgia Tech with a strong interest in energy economics, for a chat on the Atomic Show. We got a little off…

Dramatic Footage of Fatal Refinery Explosion and Spewing Toxics in Venezuela

One of the frequently repeated comments about the way that the ad supported media choses its coverage is that the media tends to focus on “if it bleeds it leads” and on telling dramatic stories. If that was true, why are stories about deadly, dramatic fossil fuel accidents told once and then forgotten while brief…

Fission Fans Should Unite – Target Of Interest Is Fossil Fuel Market Share

I’ve spent a fair amount of time during the past few days trying to convince people who promote only certain types of nuclear fission technologies that they are engaging in the wrong battle. They are failing to recognize that all forms of fission take advantage of the incredible energy density found in atomic nuclei to…

Nuclear jobs, jobs, jobs

As much as I like reading Bill Tucker’s generally pronuclear articles, I recognize that he sometimes gets the details wrong. In a recent American Spectator article titled Nuclear’s Dilemma: Few Jobs, Just Energy, Bill overlooked some important details about nuclear energy’s ability to generate good jobs in comparison to its competitors in wind, solar, coal,…

Update on Jaczko Legal Defense Fund

As promised, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s political action committee (PAC), the Searchlight Leadership Fund, has donated $10,000 to a legal defense fund set up to pay the expenses incurred by Dr. Greg Jaczko while he was serving Reid as the Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Of course, there would not be a need…

Challenging NYAS Decision to Keep Yablokov’s Chernobyl Fiction Online

In December 2009, the editor of the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences decided to provide printing services for a small group of people who had a history of pursuing an agenda against the use of nuclear energy. They had translated a book titled Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the…

Waste Confidence – A Classic Case of Failed Leadership (Part 2 of 2)

By Paul T. Dickman Paul Dickman was a career Federal environmental scientist specializing in nuclear waste and nuclear materials management. He served as Chief of Staff to NRC Chairman Dale E. Klein. Part 2 of 2 NRC’s Draft Waste Confidence Decision Update of October 2008 was based on an understanding of that the DOE would…

Waste Confidence: A Classic Case of Failed Leadership (Part 1 of 2)

By Paul T. Dickman Paul Dickman was a career Federal environmental scientist specializing in nuclear waste and nuclear materials management. He served as Chief of Staff to NRC Chairman Dale E. Klein. Part 1 of 2 The 12th paragraph below has been revised to clarify that the 1998 rule was a reaffirmation of a 1990…

The Establishment Wants Us All To Overreact To Fukushima

A recurring theme on Atomic Insights is that nuclear energy is a disruptive technology that has the potential to reshuffle the wealth and power underpinning what my generation called “The Establishment”, which is essentially the same as what some now call the 1%. Though it may be a bit of an exaggeration or over simplification,…