A Day to Think About Atomic Dreams

A frequent participant in discussions on Atomic Insights submitted the below as a way to stimulate a conversation in memory of Dr. Martin Luther King. He thought of it as an outline, but with just a little editing it was good to go. I have a dream. I have a dream that access to copious…

The Conundrum – do we really have to give up a high energy lifestyle?

I received an invitation by email to read and review a post on a blog called “TXCHNOLOGIST”. The invitation was well worded and inviting, most likely composed by a trained expert in public relations. The subject post, titled Your Prius Won’t Save You: Questions for David Owen, Author of The Conundrum intrigued me. It was…

Public meetings about William S. Lee nuclear project near Gaffney, SC

The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission is planning to hold two identical public meetings to discuss the draft environmental impact statement for the William States Lee nuclear power station units 1 and 2 that are proposed for a site near Gaffney, SC. The public will be allowed to present comments and ask questions. People who are…

Cautionary story for nuclear plant vendors and prospective plant owners

Florida state Rep. Mike Fasano (R-New Port Richey), who voted in favor of Florida’s 2006 Construction Work in Progress (CWIP) advanced cost recovery law, has become the prime sponsor of a new law to overturn that rule. According to a January 11, 2012 op-ed published by the Tampa Bay Times titled No more blank checks…

Atomic Show #177 – Vermont nuclear energy politics

On Sunday January 8, 2012, I chatted with Meredith Angwin who blogs at Yes Vermont Yankee and Margaret Harding, a well known independent consultant who specializes in GE Boiling Water Reactors. Our primary topic was the fate of the Vermont Yankee nuclear power station, which has been embroiled in a several year long battle to…

Put Nuclear Power in your stockings

I know, I am like one of those people who are still sending out Christmas cards in January. However, I just ran across this brief little video that I thought was worth sharing. The good news, bad news story is that Amazon lists Nuclear Power: How a Nuclear Power Plant Really Works as temporarily sold…

Media’s scant attention to Royal Dutch Shell Oil Company’s spill of 40,000 barrels of crude oil

Mainstream media outlets treat nuclear energy in a way that is diametrically different from energy sources that advertise heavily. Advertiser supported media sources wrung their collective hands and did everything they could to promote and extend the legs of the story about damage to the Fukushima Daiichi reactors. That frequently covered event released just kilograms…

Empowering a more prosperous world – one atom for peace at a time

I spent New Years Day 2012 engaged in an activity that reminded me how much fun it can be to rapidly consume energy for what some may consider to be a frivolous purpose. I joined a group of successful, relaxed and energetic members of the Smith Mountain Lake Water Ski Club to participate in the…