Shoreham Chapter 8 – Revealing portrait of antinuclear tribe

Chapter 8 in the Shoreham documentary provides some revealing information about a small segment of the tribe of people who are aligned in opposition to the expanded use of nuclear energy. It should raise a series of questions in the minds of critical thinkers who strongly believe that nuclear energy is an amazing gift to…

Shoreham Chapter 7 – Lying about Three Mile Island

In this chapter of the Shoreham saga, Ray has made some clever cuts between assertions about the effects of the Three Mile Island accident from the professional opponents to nuclear energy and to assertions from people who have read the massive quantities of scientific and technical research about the details of the accident and its…

Nuclear fission energy is superior to other energy sources

Guest article by Charles Forsberg. The below originally appeared on April 28, 2011 in a Bulletin of Atomic Scientists roundtable discussion titled “Is nuclear energy different from other energy sources?” Charles’s contribution was titled “Mutually assured energy independence.” It was so good that I contacted Charles and obtained his permission to share his thoughts with…