Pebble Bed Reactor MOU Between China and South Africa

Just a couple of days ago, I broke one of my normal blogging rules and published a press release in its entirety. It was a good one that contained important information about low dose radiation that is useful to Atomic Insights readers, so I figured it was not a matter of me just being lazy…

The Atomic Show #128 – Celebrating 30 Years

As most people who keep up with nuclear trivia know, March 28, 1979 was a bad day for the industry. As a result of a series of mechanical and operational issues, the reactor at Three Mile Island experienced a loss of coolant accident through a stuck open relief valve. When all was said and done,…

Jeff Jacoby – Encouraging Words About the Coming Nuclear Renaissance

The Boston Globe has a tightly written opinion piece by Jeff Jacoby titled The Coming Nuclear Renaissance. Here is a small sample from that article to encourage you to go and read it. The problems with nuclear energy have not vanished. To build a nuclear plant is an expensive undertaking, the disposal of spent fuel…

A Press Release Worth Posting – Benefits of Low Dose Radiation Hormesis

I have been getting more and more press releases as organizations begin to figure out that bloggers are valid media contacts. Normally, I do not simply take those releases and republish them, but occasionally I will make an exception. On this date, March 28, 2009, thirty years to the day after the events at a…

Clean Cheap Energy Discussion

The Energy Collective has an article titled Why We Must Make Clean Energy Cheap that has generated a thoughtful discussion. I encourage you to read through the comments and perhaps add your own contribution to the exchange.

A Nuclear Driven New Deal

Here is another excellent product that reinforces my belief that we can learn something from our past. When you watch the first few minutes of this video please think for several moments about some of the commentary that you might have heard recently about the New Deal. According to some pundits, the New Deal did…

Are You Still Afraid of Radiation?

A good friend sent me the link to this well produced video that makes some excellent points. I am fully aware that the source of this video may call into question its veracity, but I have been doing a lot of research for the past year or so and have come to the conclusion that…

One Side of the Nuclear Technology Public Relations Battle in Wisconsin

The Center for Media and Democracy – has a well-researched piece about the nuclear industry’s public relations actions partially aimed at overturning the outright ban on new nuclear power plants in Wisconsin. It warms my heart to realize that there are some serious efforts underway to engage the public in a discussion about the…

More Fusion Hype – The National Ignition Facility – a Gold-Plated, Expansive Playing Field Producing NO Useful Power

The fusion press release machine is still in business after all these years. I just completed reading an article in Forbes titled Reinventing Nuclear Power that provides some amazing details about the fusion experiments that will be taking place at the National Ignition Facility at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory sometime soon. This facility, which…

Gallup Finds Strong Support for Nuclear, but Lots More Among Men Than Among Women has a good news story about a recent Gallup Poll that shows that 59% of Americans favor the use of nuclear energy, including a 27% segment that “strongly favor” its use. One piece of the survey results that I want to discuss is the following comment about gender differences: Gallup has always found consistent…