Young Australian Skeptics – Detailed Responses to Anti-Nuclear Arguments from Aussie Greens
A friend sent out a link to a July 30, 2010 blog post on Young Australian Skeptics titled Does nuclear energy have the answers we need?. The post was written by Luke Weston, the man who provided excellent material at Physical Insights before real life intruded and he got busy completing his studies in Physics and Computer Science. Luke produced a point by point assertion/response to an article published in March 2010 by Senator Scott Ludlam. As usual, he did a wonderful job of clearly explaining and providing references for his arguments.
Aside: This is the first time I have visited Young Australian Skeptics, but I love their tagline – A sanctuary for young free thinkers. I wonder if they would mind having a 50 year old fan and contributor? End Aside.
I am not even going to tease you with excerpts – go now, read the original!
50? Young enough! 😀
I am severely impressed by Luke Weston, even without a college degree, yet! He has a comprehensive knowledge of nuclear power and is able to treat subjects exhaustively. I liked his earlier critique of the entire book “Nuclear Power is not the Answer” by Helen Caldecott. He writes as well as Rod.
Yup. There’s also this article…:
Robert – While I am also impressed with Luke Weston and share your admiration for his well researched recent writings, I would not go so far as you to suggest that he writes as well as Rod. The excellence of youth and the confirmed excellence of maturity are of different orders. It is hard to create the same combination of conditions that shaped and refined AtomicRod’s investigative talents and writing skills.
In this I mean no disrespect to young Luke Weston who I also admire.