Unreliables cannot provide energy security or enhance natural environment

My new word for the energy sources popularly known as “renewables” is “unreliables”. Though there may be some tiny exceptions, the general characteristic is that they are all diffuse sources that cannot actually be controlled by humans or automated control systems. One of the main reasons that energy has been a huge political topic since…

Industrial wind energy benefits wealthy at expense of many

Guest Post by Willem Post The Green Mountain Power (GMP)-instigated 63 MW Lowell wind turbine facility with (21) 3 MW Danish wind turbines stretched along 4 miles of ridge lines has nothing to do with community-scale wind, everything with utility-scale wind. GMP is using blatant PR to soft-soap/deceive Vermonters. It is a capital intensive (63…

No fan of renewable energy projects

Many of my colleagues in the energy business try to be environmentally correct and do not like to make clear statements that criticize any particular energy source. They especially avoid any hint that they actively oppose the development of the “popular” renewable energy sources like wind and solar power. (Note: At one time, biomass had…