San Francisco Chronicle – Matter of Fact Article on Nuclear Power Growth
On Sunday, 12 February 2006, the San Francisco Chronicle published an article by Stewart M. Powell and Judy Holland titled Nuclear power plans surge ahead: 14 new plants set to go online in 10 states over next 20 years. Though the article discusses topics that really nothing new for readers of Atomic Insights, the article is worth a read for a different reason.
It is probably the first article on the subject of new nuclear power plants that I have read in a major newspaper that does not include a single quote from people representing organizations whose main line of business is opposing nuclear power.
The article includes no cautionary words about plant safety from the Union of Concerned Scientists, nothing about how much cheaper it is to conserve energy than to build nuclear power plants from the Rocky Mountain Institute, no comments about economic competitiveness from the Nuclear Information and Resource Service, nothing about the hazards of nuclear technology proliferation from the Nuclear Control Institute and nothing about the premise that nuclear power plants make tempting targets for terrorists.
It is refreshing to read such a matter of fact article presenting the industry in realistic terms.