Rigged Horse Race – Establishment Fossil Fuels Versus Upstart Nuclear Energy Technology
Artwork by PopAtomic.org.
Artwork by PopAtomic.org.
Rod Adams is Managing Partner of Nucleation Capital, a venture fund that invests in advanced nuclear, which provides affordable access to this clean energy sector to pronuclear and impact investors. Rod, a former submarine Engineer Officer and founder of Adams Atomic Engines, Inc., which was one of the earliest advanced nuclear ventures, is an atomic energy expert with small nuclear plant operating and design experience. He has engaged in technical, strategic, political, historic and financial analysis of the nuclear industry, its technology, regulation, and policies for several decades through Atomic Insights, both as its primary blogger and as host of The Atomic Show Podcast. Please click here to subscribe to the Atomic Show RSS feed. To join Rod's pronuclear network and receive his occasional newsletter, click here.
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I am also long on my SMR. Several friends also have some. Their recent press release outlined actual construction of…
Hi; Rod: As in the other ‘comments’, I am collaborating with Spacex to develop a compact megawatt-class mini-nuke for use…
Come on; these people are all flash, and no substance! Like so many of the “new, advanced nuclear” companies out…
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The World Nuclear Association recently updated its Small Nuclear Power Reactor Information and Issue Brief. This paper is an excellent review of most of the projects around the world that include nuclear power reactors with outputs of less than 300 MWe (megawatts electric), which is the current International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) definition of a…
There is an informative article in the business section of the San Diego Tribune’s online publication titled Renewables need helping hand from gas. The article describes how combined cycle gas turbine plants work, with gas turbine exhausts feeding steam plant bottoming systems. It talks about air cooled condensers and about the use of peakers to…
A regular reader sent me a link to the cover article of the May 12, 2008 edition of The Nation titled What Nuclear Renaissance? That article, written by Christian Parenti, begs response, but I do not feel like spending much time writing a letter to the editor that will have a minor probability of being…
There was an interesting letter to the editor on July 15, 2006 in the Concord Monitor Online titled The wrong fix, TYSON SLOCUM, Washington, D.C. – Letter. It is a response to a previous letter that talked about the need for a diverse set of solutions, including nuclear power, to both global climate change and…
Meredith Angwin at Yes Vermont Yankee posted this three year old classic on her site today. Just remember that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
The bike the Natgas horse is riding needs to be renamed to reflect the package of free ride advantages fossil fuels recieve, like “uncosted externalities”, or something more creative than that.
Finrod – I have thought about that. I also thought about asking the artist to give the natural gas contestant a large head start and to put a manure bag on the back of the “clear nuke” horse. One of the reasons for posting is to obtain feedback and suggestions and then go back for another version.
I like the fat NRC jockey.