Rethinking Nuclear Power – Lesson 4 is now posted
A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned Robert Hargraves’s Rethinking Nuclear Power course and pointed out how to find it. In the intervening weeks, I have taken on a new job within the Navy and have also taken a short Florida vacation. Quite frankly, I had forgotten about the course until I noticed a reminder about the progress over at Dan Yurman’s Idaho Samizat: Nuke Notes titled – appropriately enough Rethinking nuclear power ~ Class 4 is up.
Bob is doing a fine job putting together a useful and interesting curriculum. I am hoping he is going to let me steal – oops, borrow – it once it is completed. Go on, you know you need a refresher – take the course. I am catching up on my missed lessons now and hope that the teacher is not disappointed in my lack of progress so far.