Quick View of Atomic Insights Visitor Map
I got distracted this morning with doing some Analytics work on Atomic Insights, trying to figure out more about who reads this publication. If you have not tried Google Analytics and you have a web site or blog, you should. Fascinating and somewhat addicting to page through all of the different ways to look at site statistics – if you happen to be a geeky sort of person. I was particularly interested in looking at the portion of the stats page that showed me where people who read are coming from – the below is the overall summary for the period from October 26-Nov 25. With this system, you can drill down to find out a lot of the underlying details – like the fact that there were 72 visits from Largo, FL and 2 from Vicksburg, MS.
I thought you might enjoy helping me fulfill a challenge – I want to try to turn this whole map green, though it might be hard to attract a visitor from Greenland or Chad.