President Ahmadinejad of Iran Asserts His Country's Nuclear Rights
This afternoon (September 17, 2005) President Ahmadinejad of Iran spoke emphatically to the United Nations, telling the assembled body that his country had a right to use nuclear energy. He also stated what should be obvious to any careful observer – though his country currently exports oil, it will not last much longer.
The New York Times has a good article about the speech titled Iran’s Leader Refuses to End Nuclear Effort (Note: the link will only work for a week or so, and may require you to sign up for a free subscription.)
The only member of the US delegation that attended the speech was a note taker.
In November 2003, I wrote a column for the Atomic Insights For the Rest of Us section titled Rooting for the Underdog: Small Nations Often Need Atomic Power.
I believe that the comments in that column are applicable to this situation.