Positive nuclear vibes from New Hampshire
Foster’s Online is the web edition of a venerable publication called Foster’s Daily Democrat from Dover, New Hampshire. The paper’s mission as stated by Joshua Foster in 1873 is still at the top of the About Us page of the web site.
“We shall devote these columns mainly to the material and vital interests of Dover and vicinity. Whatever may tend to benefit this people and enhance their prosperity, will receive our warm and enthusiastic support.”
With that mission in mind, I highly recommend that you read the article by Robert M. Cook that was published on Sunday, October 9, 2005 titled “Going nuclear: Reactors hailed as a cure for high energy prices.”
The opening paragraph lets the people of Dover know that there will probably be dozens of new reactors built around the country, partially as a result of the recent passage of the Energy Bill. He then proceeds to tell them about the opposition to nuclear power in their own region, and the difficult path that Seabrook Station had to follow in order to obtain permission to operate.
He identifies for them just who they should begin blaming if they do not benefit from new nuclear plant construction and who should get the credit if attitudes begin to shift in favor of new developments.