Open Letter to an Amory Lovins Disciple
Several days ago, I blogged about an article in The Economist that profiled Amory Lovins and talked about his “frugal” vision for the world’s energy supply system. In the thread of comments attached to that post a reader named Gordon provided commentary indicating that he was a true believer in the “soft energy path” that Lovins has been advocating for nearly 40 years.
In response, I got rather verbose and provided a lot of links – so many that my blog comment software rejected my comment. I trimmed down the response to fit within Haloscan’s parameters but realized that I had produced something worth reading. As a lazy man with lots of activities going, I decided to repurpose the lengthy comment as my scheduled weekly contribution to CleanTechnica.
Please go there and read Answer to an Amory Lovins Disciple Who Believes in Conservation, Solar, Wind and Micropower.
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