The Atomic Show #003 – Nuclear fuel recycling

Shane and Rod talk about nuclear fuel recycling and ways to reduce the amount of waste that nuclear reactors produce. We also talk about the fact that there are rare materials with unique physical properties locked inside the fuel assemblies that have been removed from nuclear fission reactors. With a proper eye towards converting trash…

Ask Atomic: Can fission by-products make steam?

On occasion, people write to Atomic Insights with questions whose answers might be beneficial to a number of other people. We will be sharing some of those questions and responses with you in the Ask Atomic section of the publication. John Mahler holds an almost invisible, but extremely important job. He is in charge of…

Plutonium: Valuable Fuel or Costly Waste?

For more than forty years, the United States and the Soviet Union built nuclear weapons and aimed them at each other’s heartlands. The process of building those weapons was expensive in strict monetary terms and in terms of sacrificing investments in more productive enterprises. Now, however, the confrontational attitude between the two countries has been…

Concerns of the Opposition: Not Irrational

There are some legitimate questions raised by the opponents of Yucca Mountain. There are also some arguments that have little basis and are simply a continuation of the scare tactics that anti-nuclear groups have been using against the technology for nearly three decades. The opposing groups normally make the following claims in their papers and…

Guest Column: Do Not Eat the Glass

Theodore Rockwell is the author of The Rickover Effect: How One Man Made a Difference. He was one of Rickover’s key team members in the early days of the Navy nuclear power program. This letter is published with his permission. The following letter was written by Mr. Rockwell to the Washington Post. It was not…

Letter from the Editor: Delay Does not Indicate a Crisis

By nature, I am a procrastinator. I often live by the motto “Never do today that which you can put off until tomorrow.” In fact, I sometimes extend that idea to “Never do at all that which you can put off indefinitely.” Some of my associates vehemently disagree with my way of thinking, but I…

Nuclear Waste Mountain: Unnecessary Sense of Urgency

There is a current sense of urgency that “something” must be done about spent nuclear fuel. The Nuclear Energy Institute, which represents the interests of the nuclear utilities and the nuclear plant vendors, has placed the issue of the front page of its bimonthly newsletter no fewer than six times in the past year. Short…

Minimize Waste: Focus on Recycling

One of the most successful ways to conserve valuable raw materials is to pay careful attention to manufacturing and use processes so that less of the material is wasted. There is ample opportunity for process type improvements in the nuclear power industry, even though many improvements have already been made. There are also institutional hurdles…

Opposition to Reprocessing Are the Reports Always True?

One of the reasons this letter focuses on the issue of recycling and waste minimization is that there has been a recent full court press in the opinion sections of major newspapers and in Congressional hearing rooms to stiffen the U. S. government’s already extreme policy limiting the use of plutonium in energy generating plants….

Nuclear Fuel Recycling: Getting Down to Business

Although the United States has chosen to focus on a throw-away fuel cycle, many of our allies have decided that recycling nuclear fuel fits their national interests. France and Great Britain, have built large, modern, and very expensive facilities to extract useful metals from used fuel rods to provide raw material for new fuel assemblies….

Waste to Energy: Learning to Recognize Waste as Value

In the 1980s, many municipalities built facilities to convert garbage into energy. Some of those plants, in order to keep the garbage burning at a high temperature, also burned natural gas or oil. The machines were designed to solve a problem in providing adequate facilities for garbage disposal by burning it to produce electricity. The…

Letter from the Editor: Recycling: Practice What You Preach

Recycle, reuse, reduce. These are the watchwords of people who are concerned about reducing the impact that man and his activities have on the world’s natural resources. The ideas that the words embody are logical and can be reasonably applied to making the world a more prosperous place to live. I was introduced to the…