"Live" nuclear energy debate on TalkClimateChange.com
A couple of weeks ago, I participated on theWatt Podcast. One of the other participants on that show, Mark Seall, is the founder of TalkClimateChange.com and also writes for Green Options, Pro Blogger, and Eco Worldly. He is a Brit living in Switzerland, has his MBA and normally writes about environmental issues in Switzerland, the EU and the UK.
Mark thought that it would be fun to set up an asynchronous discussion between me and Matt Simmons (not the Peak Oil Matthew Simmons). Matt is a consulting engineer based in London, holding degrees in chemical engineering and international development. He does not think that nuclear power will make much difference in a battle against climate change and he is skeptical of its value. Based on his posts on TalkClimateChange, it appears that he places himself in the Amory Lovins school of energy choices where conservation is king, cogeneration produces all the new energy that we need, and nuclear is simply too much trouble to be worth new investment.
You can find our discussion – which has only just begun – at http://discuss.greenoptions.com/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=462. The title that Mark assigned to the discussion is The Nuclear Energy “Live Debate”. I think he said that his plan was for it to be a read only discussion with Matt’s posts and mine being the feature. However, you can feel free to add commentary here or to start a new discussion forum on Green Options if you decided to sign up for a free account.