LFTR – Kirk Sorensen Visits a Tech Paradise to Share His Knowledge About Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors
Kirk Sorensen, one of the most enthusiastic energy geeks I know, spent the 40th anniversary of man’s first walk on the moon talking to a group of Google employees about LFTR. I have written about LFTR’s on Atomic Insights several times in the past; I even gave it a slightly different spelling – Liftr™ – so that people realize it is pronounced Lifter.
As Kirk says much better than I do, liquid fluoride thorium reactors are an approach that makes energy resources for the future almost infinite. Go and invest an hour and twenty two minutes of your time to watch the talk and then spend a few more minutes looking at his photos and reading about his impressions of the experience. I especially liked the part when Kirk mentioned that the best approach for using LFTR would be to couple it to closed cycle gas turbines to convert the heat into electricity.
Congratulations, Kirk. (Thank Iain, for inviting Kirk to your campus.)