Green Party Discussion About Its Anti-Nuclear Dogma
A few days ago, I stumbled into a discussion on Green Party Watch about Progress Energy’s proposed plant in Levy County Florida. That discussion turned rather interesting, especially once I was able to get my comments through the spam filter. One of the commenters, who turned out to be one of the major contributors on the blog asked what could have been considered to be a rhetorical question, but I and several others answered it as honestly as we could. Ron Hardy asked
“My question is why are some people so obsessed with nuclear power?”
You might want to go and read some of the responses. The effort to exchange thoughtful commentary has opened up a tiny crack of opportunity for further discussion among a small but influential group whose party platform is so anti-nuclear that expressing a different point of view can be considered grounds for censure and even expulsion.
Yesterday, Mr. Hardy opened the door for more dialog with his post titled The Green Party, Nuclear Power, and Party Discipline. His comment generating question for this post is
“Are nukes on the table or not?”
As you might imagine, there are several response already, the first of which includes the following postscript:
“For more information and ways to combat silly ideas like that nuclear is helpful, you might go to the NIRS Nuclear Information and Resource Service. They are the cutting edge of research on these topics.”
That should give you a bit of a clue about the tone and content of the comment. I know there are people who think that talking to dogmatic people is about as much fun as scraping your fingernails on a blackboard, but it can be worth doing. Your effort might even result in encouraging a few party members with questioning attitudes to disrupt a meeting or two.