The Atomic Show #085-2 – ANS Student Conference Career Fair Part 2

Duke Energy, Ameren, US Navy Nuclear Power Program, Dominion On February 29, 2008, I visited the American Nuclear Society Student Conference 2008 Career Fair and talked to a number of organizations that had booths set up to find out what kind of opportunities were available. I tried to get a reasonable selection of contractor, government…

The Atomic Show #085-1 – ANS Student Conference Career Fair Part 1

NRC, Black and Veatch, Southern California Edison, and Argonne National Laboratory On February 29, 2008, I visited the American Nuclear Society Student Conference 2008 Career Fair and talked to a number of organizations that had booths set up to find out what kind of opportunities were available. I tried to get a reasonable selection of…

The Atomic Show #082 – Jill Buck, Founder of the Go Green Initiative

Jill Buck, Founder of the Go Green Initiative, joins Rod Adams for a discussion of the environmental benefits of nuclear power You are going to enjoy this show! Jill Buck is an energetic community leader with a vision for a cleaner world and she has been working for a number of years to make that…

The Atomic Show #081 – Five friendly atomic geeks

John Wheeler, Kirk Sorensen, Kelly Taylor, Robert Margolis and Rod Adams talk about nuclear news as of February 10, 2008. Topics include Indian Point, dash to gas, new plants, anti-nuclear antics Virtual round table discussion with four guests whose total nuclear experience is more than 100 years. John Wheeler – host of This Week in…

Really, really busy recently

I apologize for the silence in the past few weeks. I hope that some of you, at least, have been disappointed as days continued to go by without a new episode of The Atomic Show. I have been working hard at several different time consuming tasks recently including getting a new iMac set up and…

ANS/ENS Winter Meeting and Young Professional’s Congress

There will be no Atomic Show Podcast this week. I am making preparations to cover the 2007 American Nuclear Society (ANS)/European Nuclear Society (ENS) Winter meeting and the associated Young Professional’s Congress. The Young Professional’s Congress is a joint effort between North American Young Generation in Nuclear (NA-YGN) and the American Nuclear Society’s Young Member…

The Atomic Vacation is over

I have returned from a wonderfully relaxing and informative trip. My wife and I took a cruise up the Rhine River from Basel, Switzerland to Amsterdam and saw a lot of quaint villages, castles and a whole bunch of industry, coal barges and power plants. Once I get out from under the pile of email,…

Atomic Show Hiatus

There will not be a new Atomic Show for the next couple of weeks. It is time for an unwired break from both my day job and my atomic avocation. We will have a lot of information to catch up on when I return. Talk to you next month.

Visit to the Cranky Middle Manager Show

One of the most popular podcasts on The Podcast Network is The Cranky Middle Manager Show, hosted by Wayne Turmel. Wayne is a corporate trainer and manager who once spent some time as a stand-up comic. As you can imagine, his show is often worth a listen and turns out to be a pretty entertaining…

Does anyone miss the Atomic Show?

Folks, I have been quite busy the last couple of weeks and have not gotten around to putting together another show. I has occurred to me that now would be a good time to ask – does anyone miss the regular chats about atomic topics? Let me know if you want to hear more shows.

Backyard Nukes – DSC 593

On May Day, I spent an enjoyable 25 minutes being interviewed by Adam Curry as a guest “savant” for the Daily Source Code. Adam has been intrigued by my advocacy of nuclear plants safe enough to be surrounded by people – he called the show Backyard Nukes and posted it on May 2, 2007. It…

Nobody’s Fuel – A “must have” DVD if you are serious about energy

I have been seriously outdone. Compared to the production value and message available at, my talk at Google was a boring lecture. I swear that I had no idea this film existed when I prepared my talk – though you might notice some startlingly similar topics and thoughts. Go and see the trailer at…